A Whole Lot of Strange

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Third POV
Outside City Limits, The Tree, Earth

Miles away from the walls of The Last City, there was a field. In this field, there stood a tree upon a small hill. This tree was decorated with candles, purple ribbons, and a hammock. This spot was frequented by three brothers. If it was to talk, get a breath of fresh air away from the city, to fight, or just to be in the presence of each other, this was the spot for that. Or at least it used to be. Right now, Y/N was sitting in the tree's hammock in his causal cloths, strumming the cords of his guitar whilst lost in his own little world. So lost, he didn't even notice that his Brother, Saint-14, was walking up to him.

"Ah, there you are brother! I knew I'd find you here!" Saint boasted to Y/N with a smile in his voice. Y/N stopped strumming his guitar and looked at his brother with a small smile on his face.

"Of course, were else would you think?" Y/N replied with a chuckle.

"Well, you weren't near Miss Holiday, you weren't filling in as substitute Vanguard Hunter, and you weren't in any of your other hiding holes. So this was next best guess."

Y/N shook his head, his smile never leaving him. "Well, I needed a change of scenery. That and there is nothing else for me to do. Amanda said she had repairs handled for the day, nothing new came up that required me for Vanguard business, and it's been a while since I've been up here," Y/N listed off.

"Understandable. And you are right about that last one, it has been a while..." Saint's voice trailed off at the end. The last time he came down here was before his crusade against the Fallen Houses, before Osiris was banished. Y/N couldn't blame him though. This place lost what made it special after both his brothers left. He barely visited, especially after Saint's death. But after everything was back on track to normality, especially after he had both his brothers back in his life, Y/N made it a bit of a goal to come back here. He even tried to convince both of his brothers about coming back here, saying something among the lines of, 'It'll be just like old times.'

"But hey! Least you're back here! Now, all we need is Osiris and then we'll be golden!" Y/N exclaimed, hoping to raise his brother's spirit. Y/N knew it worked when Saint let out a hearty laugh.

"You are right! Once we get our dear brother is out of that tower, it'll be like old times! Haha!" Y/N's smile widened after hearing that, he couldn't stop himself from laughing. Saint's joy was contagious, that was a given.

As the laughter died down, Y/N noticed that it started to get dark. Not night approaching dark, but more of everything disappearing into nothingness dark. First it was the Traveler, then the city, then the field, then finally the tree and Y/N's guitar. Y/N stood from his now vanished hammock, his body tense. "Saint, what's-" Y/N started to ask before noticing that his Brother was now gone as well. "SAINT!" Y/N shouted. He didn't have long to dwell before suddenly falling to his knees.

As he landed on his knees, he felt that his strength was depleted, he also noticed that he had his Hunter attire on as well. Soon, he felt a hot burning sensation in his right hand. He looked down at it before doing a double take. A sizable chuck of purple crystal was imbedded into his hand, it hurt like hell just by looking at it. The pain increased ten-fold as Y/N watched in pained disbelief as the crystal started morphing into his hand. At first, the crystal only changed size to where it wasn't immediately showing that it was impaled through the hand. But then it started to seal the skin at the bottom of his hand, the crystal disappearing from view. The top of the crystal however took on a more refined/less jagged shape while it was being surrounded by the skin of the hand, the crystal barely stuck out. Suddenly, the entirety of Y/N's forearm was being engulfed in a purple light, the pain in his hand slowly dying out. As both the light and pain dissipated, Y/N saw that his fore-arm and hand were covered in a black material, it was also slightly tinted purple. Besides that, there was also purple lights along it too. On the hand itself, the crystal was still exposed but purple light surrounded it. To make things more weird for Y/N, it still felt like his arm. He flexed his fingers, rotated his wrist, even flopped his arm around like an idiot too. But it felt like nothing changed. Just by looking at this and thinking about what had transpired in the last minute, Y/N couldn't make heads or tails of what the hell was going on.

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