Chapter 11

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*Beval Hernandez's POV:

A slight whoosh sound could be heard from my ears. My vision blurred then blackened then blurred again. The pain from my black eye was still fresh and stung like hell. I squinted and groaned as I lifted my head. It began pounding in the process. I was still in the van, but we were on the highway. I looked out the window. My vision only saw the black outline of the trees that we were cruising in between along with the occasional car that passed by us. I was the only one whom was asleep besides Gaia laying her head on my shoulder and Hikari and Tyler, whom were in the back, slouched over.

"You were stupid for hitting that guy", I heard someone say. I turned to look at Kimberly. Her gray eyes were piercing my soul. "This could've been prevented."

"No one told you to turn into a fucking tiger", I responded, nonchalantly, waking up Gaia in the process.

"Can we please just stop the arguing?", Celosia chimed in as she was driving, looking at us sternly in the rearview mirror. "We are in Humboldt County. We'll arrive to Redwood Park soon."

Kimberly looked away, shaking her head as she rolled her eyes.

There was nothing else be said. I was pretty much over the situation and didn't want to be reminded of how I fucked up and let my anger get the best of me. It led to me getting jumped, Danny having to fight, Gaia getting hit upside the head, and Celosia and Kimberly basically having to reveal that we are experi-babies by turning into a wild animal.

It wasn't even an half an hour later before someone began speaking.

"You okay?", a soft voice whispered in my ear. I turned towards it, only to be meant with the prettiest green eyes.

"I'm good Gaia. I just want to forget about it. The entire situation was so stupid to begin with. He was a drunkard that needed someone to pick on. We were just at the wrong place at the wrong time."

"And that's all it was", Gaia chimed in, comforting me as she caressed my hair that was tied in a messy man-bun. "Don't beat yourself up for trying to protect us."

"We're here," I heard Danny announce, leaning forward in the front passenger seat. He suddenly pointed to the right. "Enter that way!"

From about sixty-five meters away, we spotted a sign that said "Redwood National Park". The van steadily drove slower as it approached the sign. The sign was painted in a red and cream color. Celosia proceeded to turn right as we entered into a pathway. It was a straight, yet bumpy roadway. I had to pop my head outside of the window just to be able to see the top of the trees. It was as if they reached the stars themselves, and the trunks were the width of two vans. It was pretty dark, so the trees and the ground where the van's headlights were facing were the only things I could make out.

We suddenly jerked forward as Celosia hit the breaks.

"Wait! The guy said to meet him at the entrance, correct?" she asked Danny. He looked at her with realization on his face.

"Actually, yes he did".

Following Celosia and Danny, we all hopped out of van. I grabbed Gaia's hands and helped her out.

"I have some flashlights in the back. We will stay here and wait for him", Celosia announced, opening the trunk of her van. She handed one flashlight to each person.

I shined the flashlight down to where the entrance was. It was easily a couple hundred feet away. Every five seconds I could hear a car passing by at maybe sixty miles per hour. It was so dark that I couldn't even see my friends unless I shined the light towards them.

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