Chapter 17

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It was the daylight slipping through the curtains that woke me and I rolled to try to escape it. Or at least tried to.

A large body pressed against my back and arm wrapped around my waist, pinning me in place.

Blearily opening my eyes I glanced down at it and then over my shoulder to where Tommy slept. His peaceful expression so at odds with his customary cheeky grin.

Carefully lifting his arm I roll onto my back, and prop myself on a couple of pillows. Tommy makes a small grumbling noise in his sleep and grips me a little tighter.

Fighting the urge to laugh I retrieve my phone from the bedside table and confirm it's just after six. Considering how late we were up I can't believe I'm not completely exhausted still.

I ache all over, especially my legs. Sex with Tommy turned out to be a full body workout and I can't say I didn't enjoy it. If exercise felt this good all the time then I'd probably be a lot fitter than I currently am.

"Good morning gorgeous," Tommy mumbles in a voice rough from sleep.

Pulled out of my thoughts I look down at him wrapped around my body. His hips shift and I feel the hard length of him against my thigh, "Again?" I laugh, "I would have thought you had more than enough of that last night."

Tommy moves so quickly I don't have time to think before he's over me, lips barely an half an inch from mine, "Oh Miss Wendall-Jones, I will never have had enough of you."

We are both naked and he's poised at my entrance. For a second, neither of us move. Then I reach up to kiss him and at the moment our lips meet, he thrusts inside me. I can't help the moan that breaks free as he builds a steady rhythm.

Our movements are synchronised. There is no space between our bodies. Just him and me as one. Time has no meaning as he takes me closer and closer to my orgasm. But just before I reach it he slows his movements.

"Tommy please." My keening cry protests the change of pace as my fingers dig into his shoulders.

"Patience." He says tightly, closing his eyes, "Slow down a second gorgeous."

"Please Tommy. Please. Please." I chant, moving my hips in an effort to bring myself back to the edge I was about to tip over.

"Fuck." Tommy mutters and something in him snaps as he slams into me harder and faster than before.

The pressure builds and builds until I come apart with a cry and he follows soon after.

Slumped on my chest I look down at the top of his head and our sweaty tangled bodies. Our panting breaths the only sound in the stillness.

"Oh shit, condom." Tommy mutters suddenly lifting his head from my chest to look at me.

"I'm clean and protected." I say, patting my arm where the implant sits, "Are you?"

"Am I what?"

I roll my eyes, "Clean. I know you weren't protected."

"Oh yeah, I am, of course, sorry." He is still watching me with lust drunk eyes.

I buck my hips slightly, "Up? I need to go get cleaned up."

He pouts, "You don't want to snuggle?"

"Not right this second with all that coming out of me, let me get clean!" I laugh.

He reluctantly rolls sideways to release me and I attempt to move gracefully towards the bathroom. But my waddle is anything but graceful if his barely smothered laughter is anything to go by.

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