Chapter 6

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30th January 1939
I met someone. I can hardly believe I am even writing those words.

His name is William and he is the most handsome boy I have ever seen in my life! I met him at The Astoria. My best friend Mary-Anne asked me to come with her to a showing of Jesse James. I have never been a huge fan of the westerns in the same way she is but still, she is my friend so I went.

We were in the queue when I first saw him. His smart red and gold uniform flashing by as he hurried to help someone. Our eyes met and a spark passed between us. "Enjoy your film ladies." He said with a wink and I am telling you I knew there and then what all those books meant about love at first sight.

Although I headed into the theatre with Mary-Anne, I must confess I don't remember a thing about the story or what happened.

I craned my neck, looking everywhere for him when I left but he was nowhere in sight.

I was eventually forced to ask one of the other attendants. They said he was in a different area of the building but his name was William and he worked front-of-house for most films. Mary-Anne said she couldn't see the appeal and she was sure he hadn't even really noticed us. She doesn't have a romantic bone in her body. I told her that I just knew he had felt the connect and that I was determined to go back and find him tomorrow. 

Mother commented on the fact I was singing and dancing when I got back. She said asked who the lucky man was and I told her I hadn't spoken to a man. It wasn't a lie, not really so I am sure I will be forgiven. 

Until tomorrow diary.

I'm amazed that she has met the mystery man already and I'm only a few days away from being caught up to the 2nd February. Todays date many years later.

31st January 1939

I returned to the theatre today and he was not there. No one was. I was so disappointed until I remembered that the theatre is closed on a Tuesday. 

When I returned home Mama was so excited. She has found me a position cleaning the house she used the work in. I should be grateful for the job. It's better than the one I had before, but I still would rather be going on adventures and writing stories about it.

Papa said I need to forget that dream and remember my place. He says a lot of things like that but as soon as he's gone Mama is telling me the wildest stories. She said that there is no stopping imagination.

It is my imagination that will have to comfort me until the weekend when am not needed as a cleaner.

Prepare for some terribly boring entries diary, I can't imagine anything interesting ever coming of cleaning things.

Until tomorrow diary.

February 1st 1939

Imagine how boring you think cleaning a big old house might be and then make it one hundred times worse than that. My family are not poor, we live comfortably and I am so thankful for that but they people here are so wasteful. They don't appreciate anything they have.

When I was arriving the cook was throwing out a loaf of bread. A full loaf. Just because it was no longer fresh enough for them. Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous in your life? Those pigs are better fed than many of the people in this country. I said as much to the cook and she clipped me round the ear.

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