Chapter 12

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5th June 1939

William has rented a room above the pub in town. It isn't the best but it's cheap and he said it won't be long until we will be looking for something together so he wants to save every penny he can until then. How romantic is that!

He turns 18 at the end of the month and he said that as soon as I turn 18 in December he wants to marry me. I have said yes already. I just know that he is the one for me. I cannot even imagine seeing anyone else.

I told Mama that we are to be wed and she said it was about time and she expected it a lot sooner. Apparently she knew from the moment she met him that we were soulmates. I don't know if she's just saying that now but it would be nice to think that everyone else thinks we are as perfect for each other as we feel we are.

Until tomorrow diary.

It's the first Sunday in a long time I haven't had something booked in to attend or organise so making my way to the Astoria as soon as I've finished breakfast feels like the most sensible plan.

Ever since Jonny and Ariana confirmed they wanted to book it for their wedding on 17th December, just a weekend before Christmas, I have absolutely thrown myself into ensuring it is the most perfect venue possible. 

Every spare moment is spent researching, calling and filling out forms. Not to mention  planning the actual wedding. Ariana is dress shopping later this week and she said she's drawn to old Hollywood glam which has given me some direction for everything else.

Despite Tommy's initial hesitancy with telling me about his job it is definitely far more useful that I expected. Especially with his gardening connections. Finding a florist willing to do something in December was proving to be quite the nightmare but one quick call and Tommy has two options for me.

Both are ridiculously eager to please in a way I've not had before with event suppliers. I'm almost a little jealous. Events are my thing, my business. It's a little annoying to know how different I could find planning if people just knew my face a little more.

Driving by the Astoria gives me the warmest feeling inside. Only a few cracks in the brickwork a re still visible. Although they have been filled in we were advised to leave it awhile to 'settle' before we repaint it. Who am I to ignore the advice of experts?

The first thing I notice when I wander in is the overwhelming scent of paint. I have never been a fan of the smell and the amount needed to cover all the ceilings means the air is thick with it.

I prop open the doors in an attempt to air the place before returning my attention to searchimg for the expert decorator we hired.

Moira is on the staircase and loudly explaining her method to her two apprentices. Both are gazing up at her as though she is some sort of goddess but she seems totally unaware.

Noticing me watching, her paint splattered face breaks into a wide grin, "Azzy, I didn't know you were coming today. I was just telling the guys that I think we only have a couple more days work."

"That's great, I'll try to stay out of your way."  I smile back edging round them to head up the stairs.

"You could never be in the way." She laughs, tossing her head back so the beads on her braids click together.

She always looks to effortlessly cool and casual. Todays ensemble of white t-shirt (which seems hugely impractical for a painter) and short denim dungarees looks so chic on her. If I wore it, I'd look like a children's TV presenter at best and a twelve year old at worst.

I feel so overdressed despite going for a light floral dress today. With a sigh, I tear my attention from our wardrobes and style, to focus on the beautiful building which has stolen my heart.

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