Chapter 11

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2nd June 1939

How is it possible to have known someone just a small portion of your life and yet every fibre of your being feel so connected to them?

I knew William was upset today before I even saw him. His Father wishes to move to London and he does not. His parents were arguing about it and saying he was more than old enough to move out and find his own place if he didn't want to leave.

He asked me if I would want to live with him if he did. I would love that but my parents are very set on the fact we must be married and as neither of us wish for that quite yet. So it looks as though William will be moving into his own home alone.

Mary-Anne said I am ridiculous and should marry him already. She is engaged now. His name is Rupert and his is the most pompous ninny I have ever met in my life. 

I told her he seemed intelligent for choosing her. However I cannot imagine he has much going on in that brain otherwise. I mentioned to William how bored I would be if I didn't find someone who could match me. I am so lucky to have found him.

Perhaps Mary-Anne is right. But why should we rush anything? We have our whole lives ahead of us.

Until tomorrow diary.

If there's one thing I've learnt working with the Winthorpe's, it's that each new couple we see wants to out do the last, and Carrie Winthorpe is only to happy to fund their insane requests with her husbands money of course.

"Azzy, darling, it's so good to see you." She smiles as wide as the surgeon allowed for as she exits the lift. Her plastic face hardly moving despite the attempted expression.

Carrie Winthorpe was not an ugly woman and her face mostly wears the work she has had done well. At least until she needs it to show emotion and the skin around her eyes and forehead doesn't move.

"And you Carrie, I hope the journey wasn't too awful." I smile back as we air kiss.

She smells strongly of perfume and cigarettes and I suspect the former was deployed to try to disguise the second. 

"Oh terrible really. The driver completely forgot to restock the drinks so I am absolutely parched." She pouts her slightly too big to be real lips and pats her throat dramatically.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes and tell her that most of us have to remember our own drinks when we travel.

"Oh no, that's terrible. If you'll follow me through to the room we have booked today. We have a number of drink options for you to choose from." I soothe as I lead them through.

Anya is just laying down the last plate of pastries as we walk in. "Ah Anya, would you mind getting Mrs Winthorpe a drink please." I ask.

"Of course." She bobs her head and gives Carrie a big smile before explaining the options available.

Returning my attention to the couple behind her I'm surprised by how relatively normal they look. "Hello both and congratulations on your engagement. I'm Astoria but please call me Azzy, I'm looking forward to helping plan the wedding of your dreams!" I give them a wide friendly grin.

He looks like a Winthorpe, neatly styled hair swept back and dressed in all named brand items. A shirt and jumper really is the upper class attempt at casual.

"Jonathan Winthorpe, please call me Jonny. This is Ariana Parker." He drawls gesturing to the pretty mousy haired girl next to him. 

She's dressed in high waisted jeans and light shirt with floppy bow around her neck. I get the impression this is her attempt at looking dressy for his mother but there's a roughness to her which tells me she probably hasn't been part of their world long.

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