8. packing

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Ranboo pov

I stood up from the table that Tubbo, Tommy and I were sitting at and smiled down at the both of them for a moment. I didn't put much of my input into the situation since Tubbo normally had these situations handled and especially if it had Tommy involved in it. Too much conversation at once with Tommy would make him frustrated and upset.

I walked over to one of the extra chests Tommy was leaving around and I started to pack things in it carefully. I felt the presence of Tubbo walk around my shoulder and handed me things to put in my chest.

I glanced over and saw Tommy let out a quiet sigh. I could tell he didn't want to leave, but this was the only way to keep him away from Wilbur. Tubbo wouldn't want to see Tommy go through that manipulation that the tall blonde went through.

I only ever spoke to Will a couple times till he started to blow things up. Tubbo told me a lot about Wilbur the good and the bad. It seemed like he was an amazing person at first, but that faded quickly.

I watched as Tommy glided his fingers across the ender chest beside him with a feather-like touch. He then slowly opened the chest that he found so familiar. There they were. His discs he fought for. Those same discs he put his life on the line for. There were a couple more things in the chest that I didn't know too much about but they were important to him that's for sure. I watched the chest close slowly before continuing to pack things away with Tubbo.

Tommys house wasn't as full as Tubbo and I'd house. It was much more simple and had a lot less decoration inside. I suppose the less things inside the less things to really worry or care about. Tommy was out and about normally so it would make sense why he wouldn't want to worry about a lot of things at home or really have to take care of.

It didn't take us very long to pack everything up into chests. It took only about an hour at most. Michael had been wandering Tommy's house while we're packing for the most part, there were a couple times where he wanted Tubbo and I's attention, but we had to explain to him that we were helping Tommy move in with us. The small child was a little confused of course but seemed happy a moment later.

When we saw Tommy a lot more in the past, Tommy would always play with Michael whenever he wanted. The blonde loved and cared for Michael just as much as Tubbo and I did, and for Tommy to like a child was rare since he hated children. Now that Tommy's going to be moving in with us, the tall blonde is definitely going to be hanging around Michael a lot more.

I stood up from the ground looking at the two chests full of things. Tubbo and I were surprisingly able to fit everything into that one extra chest I found. There was just barely enough room to close it. The other chest was Tommy's ender chest. It didn't have too many things in it so I assumed it would be pretty light.

I sighed softly before stretching out my arms and looking at Tommy. Wondering if he had proper clothing for the trip back home. A jacket? Boots? Even gloves?

" Hey, uhm, Tommy? Do you have a jacket and some boots? Or just at least a jacket for the trip back? Where we live is much different from here. It's snowy and cold."

I asked, curiosity interlacing my words as I spoke to the blonde across the room from me.

" Uhm.. Uhh.. yes? I think I have a jacket and gloves. Let me go get those actually."

Tommy replied as he slipped past me and tubbo making his way into his empty bedroom.

I nodded my head at the blonde before looking at Tubbo and then Michael standing right beside him.

" Do you want to carry one of the chests or do you want me too?"

I was a little unsure.

" I'll take one of the chests since I'm assuming that Tommy will be taking the enderchest one with all his extremely important stuff in. "

Tubbo replied back, seeming to already know what Tommy was going to take while on the trip.

I gave the shorter blonde a thumbs up before hearing footsteps travel back into the room. Tommy shrugged his shoulders, practically telling us ' I thought I had stuff for cold weather but guess I was wrong'. He seemed pretty ready to go though. I just hope Tommy feels at home with Tubbo and I. Now that leaving his own home is going to be a lot to get used to, but I have a feeling he's going to do just okay actually.

I grabbed my jacket that was hanging on one of the chairs and threw it on, not zipping it up yet since even having the jacket on was a bit too warm for my liking. Tubbo did the same. Getting his jacket on.

I squatted down for a moment, scooping the small piglin up from the ground and holding him in one of my arms while I held tubbo's sword in my free hand. Tubbo picked up the chest that was the one we filled while Tommy picked up his enderchest one that Tubbo predicted he was going to keep close to him while we traveled. I looked at both of them before speaking.

" Are we ready to head back home?"

I questioned, my glance going from left to right.

" Ready as i'll ever be."

Tommy replied back as Tubbo just nods with a small smile.

" Alrighty, let's go, you two."


I'm so sorry this chapter is coming out a little later than normally! I've been very focused on school right now and have been very busy! Also, thank you for the support and over 200
reads <3 - honey <3
last edit- june 6th, 2022

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