2. waking up with you

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Tubbo's pov


As i leaned into the familiar touch the small smile on my face grew a little as i looked up at ranboo slowly. I knew ranboo struggled with eye contact with other people, but a couple months ago he's started to be able to have stronger eye contact with me almost everyday. It's really amazing to see the improvements he's made while we've known each other. Though ranboo is still a very shy and timid person he has definitely come out of his shell. It's really wonderful to see the person he is today.

My train of thought was suddenly interrupted as I felt a soft gentle gesture. I shook myself from my thoughts completely and glanced carefully over at ranboo's other hand as I felt him tuck some of my brown hair behind my ear. Ranboo always seemed to be such an affectionate person and he definitely was. I enjoyed how affectionate he was though, it was a wonderful feeling to know someone really cared about you. I then let out a soft, subtle sigh knowing if i didn't escape from the enderman hybrids embrace right now i wouldn't ever be able to get up and out of bed for the rest of the day.

Maybe just a couple more minutes.. though we don't have anything we have to do today since it is are day off from working our butts off the past couple weeks. I let out another gentle sigh before just giving in and making myself more comfortable in the other arms. I felt a long pair of arms wrap around my torso, keeping me warm. Though suddenly the quiet moment was broken by our bedroom door opening with a loud creek. I lifted my head up slowly to look up at the taller boy for a moment before looking over at the door.

I sighed pushing myself up to sit up and looked to the edge of our bed seeing a small piglin with a sleepy small across his face. It was micheal, our son. I chuckled a little before reaching down and picking him up from the ground.

" Hey, Boo, I think we have a package."

I said with giggles intertwining my words.

" Huh? What do you mean by package?"

The half enderman questioned the goat hybrid for a moment before shaking his head with a chuckle escaping his lips, knowing now that their son had just woken up.

I carefully placed michael down on our bed that was a mess of blankets. He smiled up at us as ranboo raised his hand and ruffled his hair gently. Michael has always been a very good son, he's very kind to everyone and doesn't typically throw fits like most kids do. The small child held his pet chicken close to him with a happy piglin noise before his stomach grumbled a little bit. Ranboo and i laughed softly at michael for a moment before ranboo spoke.

" So, I'll take it it's breakfast time?"

The enderman hybrid spoke with a smile across his face before a small yawn passed his lips, making the rest of us yawn as well with a small giggle.

" I suppose so."

I said stretching my arms out above my head for a moment before placing a gentle kiss on top of our son's head then pushing myself up to place one against my husband's forehead gently.

I carefully slipped out of our warm bed, before hearing ranboo chuckle softly behind me. I turned around curiously to see what he had been chuckling about. He looked at me with a smile that I recognize anywhere. I was about to question him and his giggling but took a moment to just see the way the soft yellow sunlight hit his face. I smiled at him for a moment before crossing my arms at him and then finally questioning him.

"Alright alright, what's the chuckling about?"

I asked curiously before ranboo giggled a little more.

" Oh, just c'mere real quick."

The enderman hybrid replied back. I raised my eyebrow at him before shuffling forwards towards him again before he ran a hand through my hair fixing it gently.

" Lemme guess? Is my hair a mess?"

I asked before ranboo nodded his head with a bright smile on his face.

" Not anymore it isn't, since i just fixed it for you, goofball."

He said before placing a gentle kiss on the top of my head.

" Well, thank you, boo. Now.. How does breakfast sound?"


i hope you're enjoying the story! this is a little longer than the first chapter! - honey <3
☁︎︎ ☼ ☁︎︎
Last edit - may 29th, 2022

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