4. matching

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(i may write up chapter five tonight for you guys in honor of a little over 50 reads. thank you so so much <3 )

ranboo pov


when i finished with my breakfast after tubbo and michael i stood up from my seat and carefully grabbed there plates placing them on top of my plate being carefully bringing them over to the sink. i smiled at seeing the way the rainbow fragments hit the plates in my hands that were beaming off them window from the rainbow window decals. tubbo must of caught me smiling at them though because i could hear him keeping a giggle in.

" Whatcha smiling about, Boo? "

The brown haired boy asked, his giggles intertwined his words perfectly.

I chuckled slightly as I heard giggled interlace with his wording. it was soothing in a way. A reason for me to believe that, i'm okay and that i'm safe here.

" Oh, just the rainbow fragments from the rainbow window decals. They're very pretty."

I replied as I placed the dirty plates into the s ink carefully as I turned to look at the shorter boy.

" I've gotta agree. I'm really glad that we were able to get those decals for the windows. They really bring the room together."

Tubbo said, picking micheal up from his high chair then holding him in his arms with a soft smile.

The kitchen had the perfect amount of decorations in it, and typically all the decorations they had in the kitchen were plants. some hanging from the ceiling, some on the counter. We even decided to put these succulent plants right in front of the window that was right above the sink. you could really tell one of us or both of us loved plants.  It was very aesthetically pleasing, as tubbo told me, and I can definitely agree.

I let out a small yawn as I turned around from the sink and looked at tubbo, his icy blue ones meeting my two colored ones. I couldn't help but smile and let a chuckle slip past my lips. I remember it being so hard to make eye contact with so many people, and even the ones I could make eye contact with i could always feel this sort of.. pressure. but, when I met tubbo eye contact came so much easier than everyone else. I have no idea why, but I can meet his eyes like i've never struggled meeting everyone else's before. I still struggle to meet tommys eyes still sometimes, but tubbo says i'm always making improvement and that I should take it easy. I blinked a couple times hearing tubbos voice speaking to me.

" When do you want to head over to tommys? "
tubbo asked with curiosity taking over his tone of voice.

I thought about the question for a moment before giving an actual answer. We don't want to leave to late or it'll become dark out quick and the mobs will come out. Sooner the better obviously then.

" The soon the better, so.. I can get micheal ready while you get ready if you'd like?"
I replied taking a couple steps closer to the shorter boy wanting for a reply.

" Sounds good to me. Dress micheal in something cute though, Boo."

Tubbo replied carefully placing the small piglin in my arms.

I nodded my head at him with a smile before walking off with micheal in my arms too get him all dressed up.

tubbo pov


I watched a ranboo walked off with micheal in his arms to go get micheal ready, so that left me with myself to get ready. I stretched my arms out for a moment before glancing around the kitchen once more. aesthetically pleasing. A small smile stretched across my face before I started to make my way out of the kitchen and to the bedroom.

The door to the bedroom was left open just a bit. I pushed it very lightly with my hand and walked in, seeing the sunlight spill into the room. It was like golden heaven walking into here when the sunshine spilled into the room like this.

As I walked further into the room I closed the door behind me gently, the door making a small creaking sound as it was moved. I giggled at the sound slightly before walking over to the closet to find something to wear.

I scanned the closet for a bit before deciding what to wear finally. nothing fancy of course, just something simple but nice. i took out a dark forest green long sleeve turtle neck and then a pair of black jeans. i held the outfit in my arms before opening the bedroom door and meeting eyes with a tall enderman hybrid. I jumped not knowing he was there but let out a giggle.

"Oh my goodness, you spooked me."

i said shaking my head with a smile.

ranboo pov


I chuckle softly hearing that I had scared  Tubbo definitely not what I had been intending to do, but it was kind of funny.

" Sorry about that, I was just coming to see if you were ready yet and for you too see if micheal was dressed okay."

I said holding micheal out slightly with a smile.

as soon as I saw Tubbo's face light up I knew he loved what the small child was wearing. I snorted slightly at the goat hybrids face for a moment before just hearing his bright smile in his voice.

" Boo! He lookes freaking adorable! Oh my goodness! Micheal you look like a big man!"

Tubbo spoke happily as he took the small piglin from my arms and held him close.

Micheal was wearing a yellow hoodie, that was just a little to big for him and a pair of light brown pants. It was adorable. Seeing tubbo absolutely beam with happiness made me just smile so much my cheeks hurt. Tubbo must of gotten a fantastic idea though because he grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the closet to find something to wear for me.

" I've seen an outfit that you wore once and thought maybe you should wear it again!"

He said placing micheal down on our bed gently along with the clothes he already picked out for himself.

I raised an eyebrow at him, having no idea what he had been talking about at first then once I saw him scramble through the closet and grab the pieces of clothing he wanted me to wear I snorted softly.

" You want me to wear the dark purple long sleeve turtle neck with black jeans?"

I asked crossing my arms at the shorter boy that was just beaming with happiness.

" Absolutely! Plus, we'd be kinda matching today! "

Tubbo replied nodding his head at what seemed like lighting speed.

I let out a sigh and couldn't say no to Tubbo, if he wanted to match i'd let him have his way of course.

" Alright alright, i'll wear it."

I said taking the clothes picked out by Tubbo for me with a smile.


omg, 50 reads? i literally am beaming with happiness as i write this. you all are amazing. - honey <3
☁︎︎ ☁︎︎
last edit - may 30th, 2022

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