7. the talk

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( i apologize for not releasing chapter seven yesterday! i was very busy and i want to thank you all for over 120 reads <3 it means the world to me. thank you for being patient and here's chapter seven ! )


Tubbo pov


I was a bit concerned as I noticed the white steak in Tommy's golden yellow hair as Ranboo pointed it out. It stood out from everything else about him, but what made it so serious for him having to talk to us about it? it was just a small chuck of white hair, would could make it so serious?

I turned my head to Ranboo with a puzzled look, he seemed to be just as confused as I was though because he shrugged before running a hand through his two colored, white and black hair nervously. I let out a gentle sigh before turning my attention back to the tall blonde boy.

" Alright then? Let's head inside."
I spoke in a worried tone, a million thoughts running through my head at once, worried that something terrible happened to Tommy while we were just to busy to see him.

I shifted the small piglin into my left arm while I felt the enderman hybrid intertwine his fingers with mine. He must of been able to tell how worried I was about this. How could a simple happy visit could turn into something that was so confusing and unknown. And it wasn't the good kind of unknown.

We followed behind Tommy as we walked to the front of his little house that had been built into a small hill. The inside wasn't too big since only Tommy lived with just himself so, there was no use for such a big house for him. I glanced at the gold worn down doorknob attached to the front door that Tommy twisted, then pushing the dark brown door open as he walked inside.

We followed him in side as he held the door open for us. Nothing seemed to change about his house, which was normal. Tommy liked things to be simple in his home. He wasn't much of a decorator like Ranboo and I.

I took a moment to look around. An ender chest, most likely filled with his most prized possession like his discs he fought for in the past wars we both fought in side by side. I then looked over to the other side of his house where there was a small table with four chairs. Even though Tommy lived by himself he still had people that lived in the SMP area or even outside the SMP area that would bust him from time to time so that's why he must have more than one chair.

Tommy slid a chair out for himself, quietly plopping his body weight into the wooden chair. Ranboo slid out a chair for me and I smiled up at him as a thank you, I sat down in the cold wooden chair. I carefully let Micheal sit in my lap since he was too small still to sit ima normal sized chair. Not to long after I settled into my seat the black and white haired boy sat down in his own chair next to me.

I glanced at Ranboo then looked at Tommy. something seriously had gone wrong while me and Ranboo weren't around. The blonde haired boy looked like a mess trying to prepare his words. Tommy took a small breath in, before releasing it into the air. I waited for something to come from his mouth, it felt like months, years, centuries before he actually spoke.

" Long story short, and you're not gonna like this.. but.. Wilbur is back."
Tommy said but it was just blurted out so suddenly I couldn't process it. but, that didn't make sense. Wilbur had been killed months ago. What happened when we were gone?

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