7."Flynn would be proud."

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"You okay, Julie?", the blonde boy beside me pushed me with his elbow softly.

"Huh?", I question as I was lost in my thoughts.

"I asked if you're okay.", he said worried and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Oh, yes yes I'm fine.", I gave him a clearly fake smile and focused back on my plate.

I haven't told anything to anyone about this whole marriage thing, except Flynn who I didn't basically said anything to. She just stormed inside my house as she learnt everything from Luke himself while she was in Alex and Carrie's house.

I feel really uncomfortable talking about it. I don't want their opinions to change about me. If they found out, they'd always give me this look for of pity and sympathy and I can not handle it right now.

My phone ringing, dragged me out of my thoughts.

"Hello?", I asked and Flynn looked at me weird.

"Hello, Julie. It's Reggie."

Now that's either good or bad news.

"Oh, hi. How you've been?", I asked and tried to avoid saying things that would cause questions from the others as we were sitting at the school cafeteria.

"I'm good, I just wanted to check on you, you didn't seem that well yesterday.", I sighed, placing my head on my palm.

"You know how things are. I'm as good as you.", he chucked on the other line of the phone, making me smile a little.

"That's not as comforting as you think." I smiled and faced Alex who raised his eyebrows at me. I shook my head, letting him know that it wasn't something important.

"Hey, Julie.", he spoke up again.


"Do you know anything about your father's business?", I furrowed my eyebrows in response.

"Just the basics, why?", he stayed silent foe some seconds.

"I just found some papers lying on my father's desk.", I heard him breath loudly, "it says something about a large amount of money, transferred into a nameless account."

"Okay?", my head started hurting again, "it has both of our fathers signatures."

"And what about it?", I asked again as I felt impatient.

"I'm talking about more than 3 million dollars, Julie."

Everyday just gets weirder.

The bell rang for the last time today, reminding me that I had to wait until we were done from here.

"I'll be right there after school, okay?", I let him know and he just agreed with me.

"Yeah, be careful.", he said and hanged up.

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