5."as a what now?"

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The knocks from my bedroom's door woke me up as I groaned and I pulled the blanket on top of my head, covering it. Someone opened it and I heard footsteps approaching me.

"Julie, are you awake?", my dad's voice was almost like a whisper and I felt him sit on the bed.

Why do all parents have to ask such obvious things? How does he think the blanket moved?

"Do I look awake?", his laugh filled the room and I groaned again, holding the blanket closer to my body.

"You're answering me,so I'd say yes.", I continued ignoring him,"I just wanting to let you know that we'll have visitors tonight."

"What visitors?", he got up from my bed and I heard his footsteps going even further with each step.

"The Pattersons.", and with that he closed the door behind him.

"WHAT?",I quickly threw the blanket away from me and I followed him.

I opened the door trying to catch up, "Dad,what do you mean the Pattersons?"

Ugh, if he keeps not answering me...

"Dad!", I yelled again as I finally caught his attention.


"Why will the Pattersons come here? We don't even know them.", my hands were moving around as I was talking.

"Me and his father are business associates.", he started.


"You know the son, I know the father and we'll meet the rest of the family tonight. I was ready to call him to diner anyway, so since you know their son, it would be nice if we were all there."

My shoulders dropped and I just gave up as I knew I couldn't do anything about it. My dad is so stubborn, even more than me.

I'm starting to think that I'll really end up with 30 cats and I'm not okay with that.

"You should've asked me first.", I stated and made my way back to my room.

"Don't be mad, Julie.", his voice fading behind me.

"I'm not mad."

That was a lie.

In a matter of seconds I was already calling Flynn.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up.", I repeated to myself and I started pacing back and forth.

"Julie?", I heard her voice, making me jump from relief.

I should definitely calm down.

"Flynn, it's an emergency."

"Give me a sec.", I heard loud noises from the other line, "What's wrong?"

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