3."she was way hotter anyways"

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"Hey, dad.", I approached my father who was sitting on the couch. He was watching some old shows, like each night that he doesn't have to work.

He showed me with his hand to go closer and I smiled softly when he kissed my forehead.

"How was the party?", he genuinely asked. Even though I wanted to stay there with him, the butterflies were still in my stomach, making me feel nauseous.

"It was good, like they always are.", I lied but how could I explain where I was?" I'm going to sleep."

He nodded and I turned my back on him, "Wait wait, what are you wearing, Julie?"


"A friend of mine lent me his jacket cause I was cold, I forgot mine.", I breathed out and he narrowed his eyes.

"What friend? That's a male's jacket."

"Just a friend,dad.", I sighed trying to avoid the awkwardness of the situation.

"I need to know more than just the word friend. I'm listening.",his voice was strict and his posture suddenly became tensed.

"What do you want me to say?", his glance was serious, making my leg start bouncing.


"Luke.", I tried to look at anything, except him.

"Luke what?"

"Luke Patterson."

All of sudden, his gaze softened and his shoulders relaxed. He must've of noticed my confusion when I started twiddling my thumbs as he tried to explain.

"The Pattersons?", he was almost smiling as his eyes sparkled.

What the actual fuck?

"I guess."

"So, you are friends with him? I mean how close friends?"

Oh, I don't even know that.

"Uhm, just friends dad, I don't know what you want to hear.", he shook his head with a grin on his face.

"Nothing, mi hija. Go to sleep.", I looked at him still confused, but felt too tired to ask for more details. I nodded and I left.

What a night.


I haven't slept for more than four hours. The adrenaline was still running through my vains and I had this ache in my stomach. I was trying to get over the discomfort that I felt but I just couldn't get myself to relax.

After some hours I was able to finally sleep. The butterflies is my stomach slowly dissappear with the first sunshines that appeared through my window. I felt sleepy only by the idea of going to school but I didn't have a choice, so I got up. I'm pretty sure the bags under my eyes will be popping today.

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