1."wanna get out of here?"

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"What about this one?", I got out of the dressing room, spinning around to give her a better look of my dress.

"I'm sure that outfit would look good on someone.", my friend, Flynn, commented and I narrowed my eyes.

"Oh,come on Flynn. That's the fifth store we've been to."

She sighed as she gave the dresses she tried on and she didn't like, to the sweet employee that was looking at me with pity.

"And we have many more to visit.", she responded, clearly ignoring me. Her glance fell back to the poor girl,"We'll take the one she was wearing before this, in all colors."

She walked outside, leaving me behind. I groaned as I changed back to my clothes. Of course, before leaving I apologized to the frightened girl.

"You should calm down, it's just a party."

I realised that I probably shouldn't have said that when she turned to me like I've insulted her, pointing at me with her finger.

Oh gosh.

"You, Molina, are one more bad relationship away from having 30 cats and I'm not letting you end up like this.", she walked away again, making me follow her.

"Hey!That's not true.", I insisted as I could finally be beside her again.

"Say that to someone who believes you, girl.", she mocked me with a grin on her face.

"Ugh, I am so not down for tonight,you know I don't like Carrie.", I groaned and, finally, handed the bags I was holding to my guard.

"I know, but we have to go. Just think about the cute guys that will be there.", Flynn softly explained,changing her whole mood. Suddenly, she grabbed my hand as we rushed into the next store.

"Welcome, how can I help you?",one of the workers asked us.

She's definitely going to regret asking.

"Dress section. Now.", I glared at her with a frown and she sighed as she continued,"please."

I clapped my hands when I passed her, whispering you did it. She rolled her eyes and then focused on what to wear.

Today is one of my classmate's birthday. She is throwing a party and we have to attend. But the problem is that those parties are more like a beauty competition that a normal teenage party.

"Is Nick gonna be there?", I questioned and gave one more dress to my guard. For now, he's holding almost ten pieces of clothing and I'm starting to feel bad for him. I gave him a small smile before I continue and he nodded at me.

My dad has hired a guard for me since a tragic incident came upon our family. Max,my guard, is the person I trust the most. He's always there for me even if we are in front of people and he can't show any kind of emotion. Maybe is against my father's rules, but in reality me and Max are really good friends. He is in his 24, as my father thought he'd be more discreet if he was close to my age. That made us connect even more and I'd like to say that I trust him with my life.

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