Meeting Karai with the group

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We all set up for patrol and we had been training non stop recently. Today was the day we were going to try and get Karai on our side.

He jumped a few roofs and finally saw Karai. "Carli" She growled. "Karai I don't want to fight, I wanted us to be friends!" She glared at me. "I am not friends with the enemy." I rolled my eyes. "I am trying to be mature about this Karai" I could feel the ground begin to shake underneath us. "What the-" Karia was cut off by Donnie screaming "EARTHQUAKE" Leo grabbed me and pulled me under him and protected me with his shell. Karai his under this shelter thing. When the earthquake had finally calmed down, all of my brothers had gotten up. Leo got up when he was 100% it was safe and picked me up and hugged me. He then kissed me. Karai laughed " So your together, a turtle and a human, how pathetic" That was it I walked up to her and socked her. Raph pulled me back while Leo calmed me down. "Shh, Shh it's okay don't listen to her we both know we love each other very much" he smiled. When we turned around we saw Karai had already left. "Splinters going to be pissed" Raph Said and we all nodded.

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