16 - Ghost

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By the time they arrived back at the compound it was already dark and they all quickly collapsed on the sofa in the living room.

Tony poured himself a drink (not before offering Loki one of course) and sat down next to bruce.

"So, what happens now?" He asked, taking a sip of what Natasha suspected to be whiskey.

"Well you heard Nat, we can't find her now, she doesn't want to be found" said Bruce.

The group shared glances of dismay and began to accept their fate that they had failed at the hands of one Woman.

The tense atmosphere started to relax as many of them were about to accept the sweet embrace of sleep.

About to.

Until Steve spoke.

He had had a drink.

He was tired and he made an offhand comment that resolved in much, much more than that.

"I can't believe that we let bitch got away with it" he spat bitterly.

"Don't call her that" said Natasha quietly. Suddenly Steve stood up and slammed his hand on the table causing several people to jump in fright.

"I'LL CALL HER WHAT EVER THE FUCK I WANT" he yelled "SHE KILLED MY BEST FRIEND, HE WAS ALL I HAD AND SHE FUCKING MURDERED HIM NAT" he seemed to catch him self and slid down defeated in his seat. Natasha stared at him in shock.

"Sorry" he muttered quietly "I just - I'm just tired I think" he stood up abruptly and left the room leaving the occupants in uncomfortable silence.

"I, I didn't think what it must be like for Steve" whispered Natasha but everyone heard it in the quietness of the room.

"It's not your fault" said Clint reassuringly placing a hand on his friends knee.

Shook her head and sat up straighter "No, but that's just it Clint, I think part of me knew what she was going to do and I let her do it anyway because I didn't want her to get caught".

Everyone stared at her scandalized "what" whispered the archer removing his hand from her knee.

Only then did she look up and realise the dept of her words, but it was too late.

Everyone had heard her admit it.

And she doubted that they would get past it.

Natasha searched for months for any trace of her sister but found none.

She was a ghost now.

And Natasha was alone.

Steve grew colder towards the team, normally being the one trying to keep then together but Tony took that role on now.

Natasha tried her best to make it up to him and he forgave her eventually but he wasn't the same.

One year later

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