Matt Murdock x Reader

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You and Matt get into a big argument. You walk into Matt's apartment. And some lady was there stitching him up and Matt was in his boxers. You are confused and don't know what's going on.

"Matt what the hell is this?! Who is this woman!?", you yell loudly.

"She's a friend", he answers.

"Bullshit! I don't believe you!"You continue to yell.

"I better go", the woman interrupts.

"Yes you better!", You shout at her.

She leaves in a hurry and once she closes the door, You look back at Matt. He's about to say something but you don't let him say anything. Instead, you start yelling at him.

"Matt what the fuck! I trusted you! I thought hey this guy seems sweet, he won't cheat on me. But guess what I was wrong. You are definitely that type. I shouldn't have trusted you", you say with so much anger in your voice.

"(y/n) it's not what it looks like", he tells you.

You don't know what to believe anymore.

"Then what does it look like?", You ask glaring at him.

"I got hurt and she was just stitching me up", he answers.

"What is she? A nurse or something?"

"Something like that", he says.

"She either is or she ain't. Which one is it?", You ask.

"I -uh ", he stutters.

"That's what I thought. You are cheating on me. Please don't deny it and what the hell happened to you? And don't fucking lie to me. I heard I fell down the stairs and ran into the wall way too many times. For once just tell me the truth".

"I can't tell you, (y/n)."

You could feel the tears coming but you held them in because you didn't want to cry in front of him. "This is the end of us. Don't call me and I'm done working for you". You turn around and start walking toward the door.

"(y/n)! (y/n)!" he calls after you.

You ignore him and walk out of his apartment. You slam the door shut. You walk out of his apartment complex. You flag down a cab and get in. You tell the taxi driver your address and he drops you off at your apartment. You unlock the door to your apartment. You take your shoes off and walk over to the couch. You fall onto the couch and curl up. That's when you start crying. You couldn't believe Matt Murdock has been cheating on you and has been lying to you. You thought he was different and you can't believe you were wrong. You wished you never met him. You hate him.

He's calling you but you ignore his calls. You block his number so he can't call you anymore. You are done with his bullshit.

You haven't seen Matt in a week and for some reason, you can't stop thinking about him and how he betrayed you. You wish you could stop thinking about him. You told Karen what happened since she called you and asked why you quit. Karen has been at your every side since the breakup. You are happy to have her as a friend. You don't know what you would do without her.

It's late at night and you hear knocking at your door. You open the door. And it's Matt, he holding a brown bag.

"Matt please leave, I don't want you here", you tell him, hoping he listens.

"(y/n) I need to tell you something".

"I don't want to hear it".

"Please (y/n), just give me 5 minutes".

You roll your eyes and decide to let him talk. "Fine, but you only have five minutes and then you are out of here", you inform.

"Thanks (y/n)".

You don't reply back. You let him inside and you close the door.

You and Matt stand facing each other. Matt starts to undo the brown bag and is gonna pull something out.

"I don't- I don't want whatever is in your bag", you tell him.

"I have something that I need you to see", he says as he continues to pull something out of the brown bag.

He pulled daredevil's helmet out and says", I'm daredevil".

You are in shock and don't know what to say.

"M-Matt how is this possible? Your blind?", You question. You don't fully understand. How can he be Daredevil, when he's blind, is all you can think of.

Matt tells you his story. He tells you how he went blind and he tells you about his powers. You understand it all.

"Why didn't you tell me before?", You ask.

"Because I wanted to protect you", he replies.

"Who was that girl at your apartment?", You ask.

He then tells you all about Elektra. You bring all this new information in and you understand it. You tell Matt thank you for telling you all this.

"(y/n) I love you and I still want to be with you", he says.

"Me too, but if we do this... you can't lie to me. You have to tell me the truth", you inform him.

He nods and says", I promise to never lie to you again (y/n). "

"Good", you reply.

He walks over to you and pulls you into a hug and you hug him back. Afterwards, he walks you home. 

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