Rocket Raccoon x Reader

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You and Rocket are really good friends. Rocket wants to visit an amusement park because he wants to ride some roller coasters. He invited you to come and you decided to go with him.

You and Rocket go to the amusement park and walk inside. You and Rocket start off on the kiddie rides since they are your favorite rides. Then you both get on some roller coasters. On most of the roller coasters... Rocket was so close to not being able to ride the roller coasters. Rocket can't wait to ride the largest roller coaster, it's the ride he's been the most excited about since it's so extremely fast, has long drops, and has lots of loops. The ride was also very long. You and Rocket get in line. Since the roller coaster is new... that meant there were a lot of people in line.

An hour later, it's finally you and Rockets turn. The guy operating the ride tells Rocket he can't ride it since he's not tall enough. This angers Rocket and he starts cussing a lot. He's talking harshly to the ride operator. The ride operator is apologizing to Rocket and tells him to leave now since he's holding up the line but Rocket tells him he's not leaving until he gets to ride the roller coaster.

You don't want to spend the rest of the amusement park like this. You want to ride the roller coaster too but you decide not to ride so you don't make Rocket jealous. You tap Rocket's shoulder and he looks at you and asks", What?" You tell Rocket let's go and ride other rides but Rocket shuts you down and says he's not leaving until he gets to ride the roller coaster. You shake your head.

The ride operator tells Rocket that if he doesn't leave he's going to call security and have him kicked out. You don't want that and you try to persuade Rocket again but he ignores you and tells the ride operator off. You sigh and you decide to take matters into your own hands before Rocket gets you both kicked out of the amusement park.

You pick Rocket up and you grip him right so he can't get away. You walk away from the ride and Rocket is screaming at you to let him down. You ignore him. Rocket decides to make it difficult for you and starts kicking you with his legs. You don't let go of him. You make it far enough from the ride and let him down. Rocket crossed his arms and cursed at you. You roll your eyes at him.

You tell Rocket to stop pouting and enjoy the other rides. Rocket grunts and listens to you. You and Rocket ride a lot of other fun rides. Rocket starts to cheer up and that makes you happy. You and Rocket stop by one of the stores. And then You get an idea. You look at the backpack and back at Rocket. You knew what to do. Your plan is that you are going to purchase the backpack and then you are going to stuff Rocket in there. And once You get on that roller coaster... you'll let Rocket out. You tell Rocket about your plan and he loves it.

You get the backpack and Rocket gets inside. You get back in line. You are glad Rocket isn't heavy. You make it to the front of the line again and the ride operator lets you on. You get on the ride and you let Rocket out of the backpack. Rocket sits next to you. You both put the seatbelts on.

The ride starts and you and Rocket are having a blast. You both are screaming with excitement and you both have your arms in the air. You both end up loving the ride so much. You and Rocket decide to go on the ride 5 more times and each time Rocket sneaks in and doesn't get caught. After you both are done riding the roller coaster... you both call it a day and head home. Rocket asks if he can spend a night at your place and you tell him yes. You both end up eating junk food and binge-watching horror movies. 

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