Steve Rogers x Reader

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Steve wants you to do a morning mile run with him. You don't want to do it since you hate running and just want to stay in. But Steve wants you to come with him because he doesn't want to run alone and well you decide to go with him so he's not alone. Steve said afterward he'll take you out for lunch, which you are happy about.

You wear black running shorts and a light pink t-shirt. You put on black running shoes. Steve puts on a grey long sleeve shirt and grey sweatpants. He puts on a red headband, puts it around his head, and ties it. Lastly, he puts on his black converse.

You give him a weird look and say"Yo Rocky, are you ready?"

He laughs at you and says"Yes I am".

You and Steve go out and start running. Halfway through you are feeling extremely tired and just want to give up but Steve keeps telling you motivating quotes to keep you motivated. His quotes help a bit but you still want to give up but you don't because you want to show Steve that you can do this and that you are no quitter. You try your best to keep up with Steve. Steve is in front of you and you are a few feet behind him.

You and Steve are running to the Philadelphia Museum of Art. You and him are still a distance away. You know why Steve picked that place to run up and it's because he wants to run up the steps as Rocky did. You think it's cute.

You both make it to the museum. The both of you start running up the stairs. Steve is running up it fast as you don't bother to catch up to him. You stop running and pull your phone out. You begin recording Steve as he runs up the stairs. You walk up the stairs as you film him.

Steve runs up the last flight of stairs and when he gets up there he jumps high in the air and shouts", I did it!" You can't help but smile at him.

He turns around and starts throwing punches in the air. He's still jumping up with excitement. He raises his arms in the air and keeps his hands in a fist and jumps round in circles. And then he throws more air punches. You get the whole thing on video. You put your phone away and run up the rest of the stairs.

You get up the stairs and raise your arms like he did and he smiles at you widely. You smile back. "You, ready for the fight Rock?", you jokingly grin.

He just laughs at you and says", hell yeah!"

You pull your phone out and make him take selfies with you. He smiles big in all the pictures you take.

You both walk down the stairs, joking and laughing at each other. Once y'all get down the stairs, you ask him for a piggyback ride and he gives you one. You tell him to take you to get a Philly cheesesteak and he does. 

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