Chapter 6: Goals

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Do you have a goal you want to achieve this month? I don't have much to say for this chapter, but, focusing your attention on something else either than the fact you are now single once again (I mean that in the kindest way possible), it'll help take your mind off being single (again, the kindest way possible). Nothing much to say in this chapter. And I apologise if I came off a bit rude, I haven't been having a good week. Proves I'm human :)

I believe in you, but now, I shall go lie in my bed for the rest of my day and hope my mountain of papers will do itself.

- Ten


Kun laughed as he finished the chapter, light and airy. His goal? Easy, to forget his ex. Why else was he reading this book for? If other than that, getting that promotion was also on his list. Kun didn't pay much attention to that though. Continuing his report, Kun spent the next 2 hours typing the 20-page document, a cup of coffee next to him and beautiful scenery in front of him, just outside his window.

When he finally finished it, he switched off his laptop, closing it shut. Laying his head on his workspace, He scrolled through his phone meaninglessly. It was quiet in his apartment, 8 in the evening. He stared at the video playing, something about the newest iPhone. Kun wasn't paying much attention. Swiping up again, a new video popped up. It was a couple, laughing happily as they baked a cake. Kun didn't understand why they would upload such a video online, for the whole world to see. Wasn't it better to keep such things to yourself, something special that only the both of you have? Kun shut off his phone, turning his head to the side to look out the window. Something white flashed outside, flying past his window. Another one followed, till the whole sky was filled with round white balls, falling softly from the sky.

The first snow of the year.

Kun smiled, closing his eyes. Soft background music was playing softly in the background, lulling him into a deep slumber. It was a first for him, usually, it took hours for Kun to fall asleep. Too many things running through his head for him to relax. But that night, he slept well, though he was sure to have body ache from the position he was sleeping in. He had a dream, as snow rain down from the sky, painting the streets white. It was a memory of the only time he purposely stayed awake to watch the first snowfall. Kun remembered what happened clearly. It was a date with HIM, Kun had suggested his house. A tear slipped from Kun's closed eyes as he dived deeper into his dream, forced to reminisce the memory.


"Do you want, to... you know... cuddle?" Kun asked nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah, sure. But maybe we should change? If you want to, of course. I'm fine with anything."

"Yeah. Let's do that. But do you have any clothes to change into?"

He let out a small 'oh' at the realization, blushing deeply.

"You can...borrow mine. If you're comfortable with that. I just, thought you might... like it better."

Both were a stammering mess, looking anywhere but into each other's eyes. He agreed after a while and Kun led him towards his bedroom, picking out a light blue set of pyjamas. "I'll leave first. Y-You can change and call me when you're done."

"We're so bad at this." He commented, earning a smile from Kun.

"Yeah, we are."

And there was nothing wrong with that. Because both boys loved it this way.

Once he was done, both got into Kun's bed, Kun laying against the headboard as his arms wrapped around the small body. The music was playing, a soft piano piece. Kun was humming along to it, running his hand through the boy's hair. As Kun closed his eyes, he felt him shift in his arms, turning a bit to the right.

"Kun! It's snowing! Finally!" Kun felt himself being shaken back to reality, opening his eyes groggily. The boy jumped out of bed, pulling Kun along to the big window that separated the cosy room from the balcony. Pulling the curtains wide open, HIS eye's shone brightly. "Wow, it's so pretty."

Kun stopped staring at the boy to look out the window, smiling warmly. "I told you, the news never lies." Kun let out a short and hearty laugh at the comment. It really was breath-taking, the sun was still setting, giving off a pinkish-orangish light. The small balls of snow fluttered towards the ground, being swept this way and that by the wind. Suddenly, Kun felt the urge to kiss the black hair boy next to him. Just to... savour the moment they had now.

So he did.

The boy's eyes opened wide, clearly trying to process what was going on when Kun's lips met his. But soon, he melted into the soft kiss, letting Kun take the lead. When they finally pulled away, the boy's eyes were still closed, as if anticipating more. He pouted when he didn't get what he wanted. Kun took both his hands in his own, chuckling a little bit.

It was now or never.

God, Kun was rebelling so much today.

First, lying to his parents to go on this date. Then, bailing on a class to bring him out to lunch.

And now this.

"Chittapon Leechaipornkul, will you be my boyfriend?"


A loud bang woke Kun up, making him jolt in his seat. Frantically looking around, he saw his old photo frame on the ground instead of hanging on the wall. Sighing loudly, he decided to pick it up later in the morning. Staring out at the dark city, Kun watched the snow fall. Something wet dripped on his hand. Feeling his face, Kun realized he was crying.

It was so unexpected.

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