Chapter 3: Writing

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To get over a breakup (especially a toxic one), you need to know that you are beautiful just the way you are. You could try writing 5 things you think are good about yourself. This chapter isn't for you to flaunt your strengths, but instead, build up the courage in yourself you may have lost due to the breakup. Another thing you could try every day is writing 5 things you are thankful for.

For example, today, I am thankful:

1. for having three meals
2. for getting a job I had applied for
3. for going out shopping with my friends
4. for being able to watch the sunset with my best friend
5. for having a place to live in

By doing this, you see the better things in life and your personality brightens up. Hope this helps and the next chapter would be posted on the 21st of February. In the meantime, continue living life happily. Bye-bye, my lovely readers.

- Ten


Kun slurped his noodles gratefully, hungry since the morning as he hadn't had breakfast. Doyoung was sitting opposite him, a plate of Nakji Bokkeum in front of him. Doyoung was on his phone, just like Kun, just like everyone else in the cafeteria. Kun looked back down at the chapter on his phone one last time before exiting the app, opening a new document in Word. Taking a sip of his soup, he thought for a while. What were his strengths?

"What are you thinking about?"

Kun smiled and Doyoung, snatching a piece of octopus. "Tell me my good points," Kun stated, looking at Doyoung expectantly. The boy scoffed, picking up some rice. "I'd rather kiss Donghyuck," Doyoung said, implying to his cousin. Kun's mouth pressed into a straight line as he rolled his eyes. As expected, Doyoung had to say something annoying. Doyoung must have seen the look on Kun's face because he giggled.

"For one, you put up with the shit I do and say," Kun smirked a the comment. "Yeah, and I'm proud. What else?" Doyoung set his chopsticks down, laughing a bit. "Are you seriously asking me that?" Kun raised an eyebrow. "You, Qian Kun, asking me what strengths you have. You can cook, clean, dance, sing, drive a car, plane and a train, solves maths questions for fun and have a bachelor degree in psychology but for some reason decided to become an accountant. Not to mention you are insultingly handsome. Stupid question, if you ask me."

Kun looked away, trying to hide the smile forming on his face. Even he didn't know how successful he was until Doyoung said it out loud. Actually, maybe he did.


"Qian Kun, help me with this question please." Kun tore his eyes away from his assignment to look at HIM, who was pouting cutely, body sprawled on the library table.

"This is the easiest one."

"And I don't know how to answer it. Help me please." Kun placed his finger on his lips, reminding the other they were still in a library.

"No, you should know how to do this yourself by now."

"Please. Handsome, smart and kind sir, just one question."

"No. What makes you think I know how to do it anyway?"

"I'm sorry, is this not the top student in the class I'm talking to? The Qian Kun. Come on, you definitely know."

Kun cracked a smile, finally looking away from his laptop.

"Fine, just one."

"I love you." The three words were so casual, they slipped out of the boy's mouth like it was nothing. Kun did a double-take, looking at the boy who was rummaging through his pencil case for an extra pen. Kun gulped, rereading the question again even though he already knew the answer.


But Kun had locked the voice in a box already, threw the key away and hoped to never hear it again. Or maybe he did. Maybe he did want to hear the voice again. Maybe all he wanted was that voice to tell him they loved him, that they will always love him.

Kun didn't know anymore.

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