Chapter 4: Exercise

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Exercising helps reduce stress, lifts your mood and helps you stay fit. So, try doing it sometimes. I, myself, go for a short jog before I start my day. It helps me relax and gives me the boost I need for the day. If jogging doesn't suit you, you can easily go on YouTube and search for a workout or something you like. It's convenient and easy.

Your goal for today is to do 30 minutes of exercise today if possible. Good luck and the next post would be on the 29th of December. Same time.

- Ten


Kun set the phone down, looking around the gym he was currently in. What a coincidence. Kun had just finished his daily exercise and remember to check up on the most recent post by the author. Wiping off his sweat, he picked up his bottle and phone, leaving the hot and sweaty room.

After a quick shower at his apartment, Kun found himself downstairs at a nearby coffee shop, waiting for his coffee and sandwich. "Qian Kun." Kun looked up from his electronic device and headed over to the counter, grabbing the paper bag in one hand and the cup in the other. As he turned around, Kun bumped into someone, the lid of the cup dropping open and his coffee spilling everywhere.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Kun grabbed some napkins, handing them to the man so he could wipe his hoodie while Kun frantically scrubbed at his white shirt. "It's no issue. I don't really like this hoodie anyway." Kun laughed at the comment, pulling both of them to the side so they didn't disrupt the customers. Kun looked at the man, finding him kind of cute. His white hair had strands dyed different colours, reminding Kun of the unicorns he sees in children storybooks.

"I think I owe you a cup of coffee, don't I?" Kun shook his head lightly, the two dimples appearing at the side of his face. "No worries, it's my fault, to begin with." The man waved his hand. taking the empty cardboard cup from Kun's hand. "I insist. Latte, right?" Kun nodded his head, picking up his sandwich and helping the man throw the used tissues away.

Five minutes later, Kun was walking around the park with the said man, a warm cup of coffee in his hand. His suit jacket was buttoned up to cover the coffee spill while the man had removed his hoodie, revealing a black t-shirt inside. "Qian Kun, right? The barista called it just now." Kun stopped watching a little girl chase after a squirrel to look the man in the eye.

"Yeah, but call me Kun, and you are?"

"Liu Yang Yang. you can just call me Yang Yang."

"Well, Yang Yang, thank you for the coffee." Yang Yang giggled, shifting the hoodie hung around his arm. The rest of their walk was silent. Comfortable silence. The type that made you feel at home. It had been a long time since Kun last felt like this.

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