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Sara pov

"Flora is getting married!" I shouted for the nth time in front of Jin. "I can't believe the shortest one of us is getting married!" He sighed and smiled.

"I think we need to plan a marriage too." He said and I froze. "Marriage?" I gulped and thousands of thoughts started running in my head.

He shrugged and hugged me. "Aish! Why are you scared? We are not getting married now of course." He smiled but I don't think this is what he means.

Jin is turning 32 this year and he sometimes feels the need of having a wife. But for me... I am still unstable with my career. Would I ever be able to be the one for him?

I am always exhausted, nagging, and clumsy while he is mature enough to look after his six brothers and now me too. I have started to feel like I am just a burden to him. "You are overthinking again huh?" My thoughts brushed off with his gentle voice. "Don't push yourself too hard Sara." He turned me towards him and kissed my forehead. "I know you can do anything." He said with a smile that could light up the darkest of places.

"Are you confident Jin... About me?" I said and he chuckled. "I believe in you more than my beauty silly!" He completed.

"First I am excited about Flora's wedding." I jumped and hugged him. He took a deep breath of relaxation, feeling me in his arms. I to feel relaxed when he is with me, every second is like heaven to me.

If I was good at expressing, I would have carved every metaphor to describe how beautiful is being in love with him is.

Flora pov

"Kookie are you sure about our wedding?" I asked him on the phone. "More than sure baby." I could hear him smile from there. "It's just that we haven't dated for so long and you are the youngest..."

"We are doing this Flora... We are being each other forever. I can't wait for you to be my wife." He said with seriousness in his tone and because of him, I am feeling serious too. I took a deep breath.

"Yes, Kookie... We are doing it." I smiled.

"Doing what? Sex?" Mindy laughed from behind our room. "She must be talking about a blowjob." Sara laughed back.

"Let me talk to my-"

"Husband?" Mindy said.

"Honey?" Sara said.

I got irritated and hung up the call. "You both are so bad!" I whined. "Come on I have made dinner for us!" Mindy was serving the dishes.

We three were sitting at the table together and I realized, getting married means no more being able to live in this house. It has cranky doors, broken furniture, unfinished paint at some places that I hid as a sticker. But this apartment is still home because of the three of us. I looked at the food kept on the table which Mindy cooks for us, the frames of unending pictures of the three of us Sara bought and hung it herself. The small beds in our home where Sara falls on the floor every night I sleep with her and then she sleeps on Mindy's bed because Mindy sleeps on the couch while typing.

This imperfect yet the only affordable apartment we had in our 18s is not just a room or the walls. It's the memories we had from all these years. "Do you want to make the curry salty with your tears?" Sara gasped looking at me.

"Why are you crying?" Mindy asked and I sulked. "I- I am going to miss you," I said and started crying. "You are my family." They both started staring at me.

"Mindy... What am I supposed to do?" Sara frowned and I laughed while crying. "Hug her you fool!" Mindy said and placed her arms around me, I hugged them tightly but Mindy held back.

"N-not this tight." She scratched her head and looked down. "Why?" I and both frowned. "She might be having plans with her Tae Tae," I said and laughed. Mindy nodded. "Flora you are clever at times," Mindy said but Sara was still looking at her with confusion.

Mindy pov

I was changing my clothes and Sara entered with anger on her face.

"Ayee! I am naked!" I complained. "It's not like we haven't seen each other like that huh?" She raised a brow and I wore my clothes.
"What now?" I asked.

"Why are you not smoking huh? Why you leave the office after an hour that morning? What happened the night you left alone to go back.? Why did you and Taehyung fall in love? Why-"

"Breathe girl!" I sighed and sat on the couch. "No, tell me everything!" She shouted.

I looked at Flora sleeping. "Fine... Just don't tell Flora I don't want her to worry at her wedding." I sighed and she sat on the couch, glaring at me.

"See... That day when I left alone, some guys tried to... You know." I stopped and took a breath. "Tae came and beat them up."

"Who sent those guys behind you?" She asked.

"They said it was Kim Sooji." Her face turned angry when I told her that. I know how bad she wanted to shout at me but instead, she heard further.

"Sara... Tae and Me... He loves me and so do I. He had a fear of blood yet he didn't care." I sighed fearing the tears about to come out of my eyes. "Last time we did it... He did that in me." Her eye widen.

"He did what?"

"He did that in me." I turned shy. Yes! Me! I turned shy and was not able to look at her.

"Mindy! You never wanted kids then why did you let him do that?" She almost shouted in a whisper.

"He... He said I am going to be a beautiful mother." I started crying. "I love him, Sara... For the first time in my life, I want to change myself for something. I decided to quit smoking, eat well and have a good sleep."

There was silence in the room.

"I don't want my baby to have dark circles like me. I want to be a good mother Sara." I touched my stomach.

"Have you tested your pregnancy?" She asked and I said no.

"Are you sure you want this... If it happens." She asked and my heart stopped. Wanting a kid? I looked at my laptop screen, my scripts, the unhealthy yet comforting food of mine.

"I don't know..." I said in a low voice. "Mindy... Jin did that in me once, he was jealous of Namjoon." She said and my eyes widen in surprise. "What?" I said in shock, she nodded.

"I checked for my pregnancy the next day and it was negative." She told me and touched my shoulder, caressing it. "It's not always necessary to be expecting the baby. There is a possibility."

"I am scared to test... What am I gonna do if it happened?" I said and she smiled. "I would suggest you talk to Tae... He is a nice guy Mindy. He won't ever leave you alone in this." She said and hugged me caressing my back.

This Sara... Such a hypocrite she is. Saying she is bad at such things but here, at this point is the only one sitting with me.

Flora came inside with a cake in her hand. "Mindy... You look terrible. Have a cake, I made it." She fed me. "You don't have to tell me but whatever it is... Just fight for yourself." She said and I hugged her, crying.

"We don't deserve you, Flora," I said and she hugged me back. "I know bitch!" She laughed and we all giggled.

There are these two best friends of mine. One whom I can talk with... Who can't let me hide things from her and the other who knows whenever I am in agony and supports me even without knowing.

I have them... I have the world.

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