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"There is no way you are doing this!" Mindy shouted in our shared apartment. "Have you lost the last two brain cells you had?" She kept aside the laptop on which she was typing without a break.

"I- it was just a kiss..." I mumbled. It was the first time I am being vulnerable with my feelings.

"Kiss is not any less than sex for a girl like you Sara! You will get attached and then hurt and then-"

"But Jin is a good guy!" Flora fiddled her fingers.

"Flora not now!" We both said in the same tone and she became quiet.

"Sara tell me! How can you let him lay his finger on you when he never expressed his damned feelings?" She said and the bite of chocolate I had in my hand almost slipped at her serious tone.

"Aish! Don't freak out Mindy!" Flora pouted "It happens... You know like... When a guy l- likes you maybe?" She was questioning her own words.

"If he feels for you, he would say it! Always take that silence as a NO!"

"Not every guy is an asshole." I revolted.

"Darling, I have dated half of California. So you don't get to tell me that!" She glared into my eyes but her gaze softened when she realized this is the wrong way of explanation.

Covering my shoulders with her palm she said softly. "Sara... I am sorry if I talked like a freak but you and me and Flora are different when it comes to dealing with feelings."

She took a deep breath. "Sara if a male touches you, you would start feeling for him not even thinking about the consequences. So make sure he feels the same for you, is serious for you."

She looked at Flora and me and continued "You are not the type of ladies everyone would get, instead you are the ones who should be told what you mean to them."

"Even when they are bad at expressing?" Flora asked.


"Even when everyone calls him a narcissist?" I asked.


Flora smiled and left the room but I looked at her. "Hope you would feel the same about you then," I whispered to her and left.

"What do you mean? I don't love myself?" She said from behind.

"You can't spend your whole life typing endlessly on that laptop. You got to socialize one day, no matter how different you think you are,"

I turned to continue "Even you are a lady who deserves to love and to be loved."

I left the room after getting my answers. I cannot let him lay his hands upon me if I am not sure.

Flora pov 

I like him but does he feel the same?

Next morning

Jungkook pov

"Hyung..." I shook Tae while he was busy working on his new designs. "Say it kookie but don't shake me, it would result in ruining the design." My mouth formed an O.

"Nothing... It's just, have you ever been attracted to someone?" His hands stopped and he started looking at the wall. I started poking his shoulder again which made him shrug his thoughts. "Tell me Tae?"

"Aish! Why do you ask?" He scratched his head and started to work again. "You are acting so weird."

Jin Hyung was typing on his laptop, coding about something. He was sitting beside me, not giving a shit about what I was talking about. "Jinnie Hyung!" I said but he was humming with the music.

"JINNIE HYUNG!!!" I shouted and he removed his headphones. "Aish what kookie?" He shouted back. "Have you ever been in love?" I asked.

"Of course I have." He smiled and both Tae and me started looking at him with shine in our eyes. "Tell Us!" We both chirped.

He hissed and then said " It's like... You feel butterflies watching that person and you know..." He placed a hand on his heart "They are the most important person to you."

"Who is she? Who is she?" We both almost jumped from our chairs.

He raised a confusing brow at us. "Duh? What do you mean who is she? I get butterflies when I watch myself in the mirror!"

I and Tae were giving each other a look. "I was talking about a girl huge..." I pouted but felt a grip on my ear.

"You get time to mess here and there huh? See how your hyungs are always working hard and you talk about love? You are only 25!" It was Namjoon hyung, Our Founder.

Tae always wins in pretending to work and I am the one who always gets scolded. Once he said he is harder on me because I am the one with more ability and talent.

"Jin Hyung, Tae, good to see you again." He smiled but then looked at me with his dragon eyes.

"Brother!" Kim Sooji came and hugged RM (Namjoon). "I heard you made trouble in the party?" He asked her and she smiled.

"I was just messing around brother! Let me take your coat."

It all os normal like every midday of our week, Namjoon visits the office and pulls my ear, Kim sooji takes his coat and we all work on our strategies.

But this time I noticed a difference. It was Taehyung's face, I felt that he was boiling with anger when Kim Sooji came inside.

He is never like this but always the calmest of person.

"What does she mean by messing around? She threw wine on my-" Jin hyung paused.

"She threw wine on Sara..." He cleared his throat and left the room. Taehyung didn't said anything either and just left the room.

Why should I stay there when my hyungs are not happy? I left with the same coldness on my face.

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