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"Come on... Try to get out of my grip! I love it when females do that." He grabbed my waist and tore off my sleeve.

"Lay another hand on her and you will be counting your bones!" My eyes fell on the man in front of us. Wavy hair, shirt, and a face from which violence would be the last word you could expect to hear.

"Oh, so you have a new boyfriend?" My so-called ex taunted. "Come on he is not my boyfriend... Neither were you!" I smirked and he almost slapped me but his hand was held by Taehyung.

"What did I say about not laying another hand on her?" He gritted his teeth, his eyes so red that felt like they are about to bleed.

He removed his shirt and placed it on my body. In his tank, he stood against those men.

"You are not fighting them Taehyung!" I was so sure he had some backup but at such a street even the police won't come.

"What did you say? She is a slut? She is a lady, a respected lady who loves her family and friends!" He punched the guy who hit his hand with glass. Not being bothered about his bleeding hand, he kept punching him till he was on the verge of death.

The others just ran away not wanting to be in that place. "Taehyung you are going to kill him!" I shouted and held his bicep but he kept on punching him as his brain had some lust of blood.

He wanted to beat him.

To death.

He kept punching his face, not being bothered about the blood on his hand. "This is the filthy mouth you called her these things with? I would make sure you don't get to say anything anymore."

I pushed him away from that man, kneeling on the ground, crying and begging him to stop. "Stop it Kim Taehyung! Do you want to be a murderer?"

"Yes, I fucking want to kill him!"

His red eyes met mine and those were dreadful enough that I never wanted to see them again. But that redness melted out in tears when his gaze softened at my face.

I wiped the blood cornering his mouth. "I should never... Told you to stop hitting men." his words were breaking while he stammered, sitting on the ground like a hopeless person.

He looked at my shoulder. "Y- you are bleeding, Mindy." He wiped the blood with his white shirt, not caring about how bad his hand is bleeding.

"I- I was so scared... What were they going to do with you?" he placed his head on my waist and his tears started falling on the ground.

"I am sorry... I should never have said those things." I started caressing his hair and noticed that he fell asleep. I tried to remove his hands but he barely left me from his grip.

But why did he fall asleep like that? I noticed Yoongi texted me and decided to call him.

I can't just sit here on the ground with his giant body curled around me.

"Yoongs! Taehyung fell asleep on the ground."

"What? Did he faint?"

"I don't know... We got in a fight and his fist was bleeding and-"

"He got in a fight and his fist was bleeding?" He sound surprised and shocked.

"Yea he-"

"Mindy he can't even beat an ant, he is afraid of blood."

"What?" I noticed his bleeding hands.

"Yes! He had a phobia of blood. He watched his cousin dying in an accident, his body in... I don't even wanna talk about that! Where are you? I am coming asap!"

"Don't worry... We are here in yearn street, near the black house." I told him and within 10 minutes he was there.

It took Yoongi to reach here in 10 minutes with a car but Taehyung came here running at the right time.

I sat inside the car and noticed his sweating head placed on my lap. I wiped his sweat and placed my hand in his hair.

"Are you fine Mindy?" Yoongi asked.

"He reached on time and saved me." I smiled and kept staring at Tae.

"Where to," he asked.

"His home would be better." He dropped us there and I went towards his room. It was painted white and blue with some artwork kept inside. I wiped all the blood on his body and carefully changed his shirt to a loose one.

When I am with him, I don't think about being laid anymore. My eyes went upon his library and I noticed he has been collecting my books and arranging them on his shelves cleanly. Those shelves were labeled as Her secret admirer.

My all books were there on that shelf, the ones I wrote in my teenage days to the ones I write now.

I noticed his sleeping figure and that's when my heart skipped a beat. A thing happened to me which happens to a teenager being attracted to a male.

He is calm, solved, easygoing, and everything I find annoying but surprisingly, insanely, and weirdly I have started to find him attractive.

I have started to feel for Kim Taehyung.

For the whole night, I kept staring at him. How he turns, whines after kicking his bedsheet, and then smiles when I put it again on him. How he frowns, taking a deep breath and then his forehead always has that glow, an aura of positivity.

It's different from the men I have slept with. I noticed their biceps, chest, collarbones. If I look at this man, he is only better than those freaks physically and mentally.

I look at his hand that was covered with blood.

There is no way this man is in his sanity when he is with me. I sighed and left the room, sleeping on a couch or something.

Flora pov

I was staying late for work and have no idea where my best friends are. I mean look at Jungkook's friends! They always stick together.

And then there is mine... We all need therapists, to be honest! He asked me to drive home and again we were in his car.

"Where do you live?" I asked him.

"I live near office only." He said and I noticed how his hand moved on the steering wheel. But he lives near the office, still, he goes out of the way to drop me home?

"I live with hyungs." He continued"Do you want to stop by for some time?" He gave me a bunny smile. Well, it's night but it's not like I can't trust him. I can but would it be awkward.

I can't say no to him especially when he has that face.

I nod again and he smiled turning his car towards his home.

A big mansion where 5 to 6 families could easily live. I was wowing at it.

"I live with my hyungs and their wives. We all have different sections." He told me.

"Your hyungs are married?"

"Hope Hyung is and Joonie hyung is looking for a girl." He told with a bunny smile "New sister in law would be coming."

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