I - The Auction Room

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The atmosphere in the auction room is stifling, reeking of hypocrisy and snobbery, cruelty and contempt. Once I get over the shock, I realize what is happening. She looks terrified. Poor thing. When that jerk announced it, time seemed to stand still as the curtain that had been hiding her fell away. A mermaid. A real mermaid. People would kill to own one. "Owe". That verb makes me want to vomit. Taking it upon myself, I swallow my hate, my rage, my indignation. I am here for a reason. I have been able to turn a blind eye to their atrocities for more than ten years now, I must not break down today, it would be to jeopardize everything that has been achieved so far.

I can't stand her horrified look so I turn my eyes away from the stage. The room is packed, with the top brass in attendance, including three celestial dragons. I also spot a few familiar pirates. Eustass Kidd and his first mate: Killer. Trafalgar Law. I know what's going on this island right now, the Sabaody archipelago is home to eleven heads worth over 100 million. There has been unparalleled tension all day as the skirmishes escalate. I also spot a few faces that belong to  Straw Hat Luffy's crew. They look furious.

Then everything happens in a flash. The Celestial Dragon, Saint Charlos bought her for 500 million. A living being has been just bought, handcuffed and terrified, for 500 million berry. My breath goes out, my vision blurs with tears, my throat tightens. What inhumanity. These are the people who rise above the common man when they are the very image of all that is not human. His greasy, satisfied laughter scratches my ears while the presenter, Mr Disco, like the rest of the audience, is speechless with surprise. The mermaid shakes in her jar, bangs her fists on the glass and even sheds a few tears.

Move. Do something.

I clench my fists and my jaw, as usual, my fingers clenching around the purse that contains a few savings. It's far from 500 million. I was supposed to use it for something else. I can't do anything about it. I must not do anything about it. However, I feel the fury rising in me, a tear finally rolling silently down my cheek. Be quiet. Endure. Just wait.

It doesn't take much listening to hear the words of the crowd of Straw Hat crew. They want to save the mermaid no matter what. In spite of myself I start to think of a way to get her back too. For a few seconds I imagine myself intervening before shaking my head. What am I thinking? The three hammer blows seal the fate of the girl. The moment Mr Disco puts down his hammer and thunders "Sold", the auction room shatters! My eyes widen as I realize who has just entered the room: Straw Hat Luffy. Bounty: 300 million berry.

I see him rush up the stairs, driven only by his desire to save her. I suppress a smile. He thinks he can solve the situation by running into the crowd, that idiot. My blood runs cold when I see that the one trying to hold him back and reason him is a fish man. Oh this is going to end badly. I hear the audience shouting at him and booing him loudly. I bite my lip.

I don't even have time to see the Celestial Dragon Charlos draw his weapon when the shot has already been fired and the fish-man collapses on the steps, leaving a trail of blood behind him. The satisfied laughter of his executioner rings in my ears. He wriggles with pleasure, hopping over the body of the one he has just slaughtered. My fingernails dig into my palms, I feel a little blood flowing.

Don't do anything.

I know. I know what's going to happen. I can see it in his eyes. Luffy burns with hatred as he slowly makes his way up each step that leads him to the body of his friend and to the level of the one who is satisfied with having performed an act of purely free violence, motivated by a base of dirty and unhealthy discrimination. The fish-man, a man called Hachi if I have followed correctly, tries to hold him back once more. But nothing can stop him now. Whatever he says to him, Luffy is already determined and Hachi's speech only strengthens his desire for revenge. He resumes his march towards the Celestial Dragon, dodges the bullets he shoots at him, clenches his fist and takes off.

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