32. Moving day/ one month pregnant

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Conners house and his dogs>>
Over the next few weeks Conner and I had been packing up the house and making preparations for me and the kids to move in which was happening today.

After I had agreed to move in I realized I had never been to his house but I refused to go when he offered to take me because I wanted it to be a surprise.

I had just finished packing the kitchen things up when the moving truck pulled up in front of the house and a few minutes later Conner came in and started picking up furniture.

My dad had taken the kids for the afternoon and once we had all the things from my house at Conners then I would drive over and get them.

While I was carrying the kitchen things to the truck May pulled up and then Sasha pulled up behind her. Both of them agreed to come over today and help us move.

As soon as May saw me she jumped out of her car and ran towards me.

"Elena you aren't aloud to carry boxes!" She scolded and I looked at her.

"You're pregnant which means no heavy lifting or lifting at all" she explained and then turned towards Conner who had just walked out of the house with a box of toys.

"You.." She yelled at him and Conners head shot to her.

"Shouldn't be letting her carry things" she yelled at him and he gave her 'I surrender' look.

"I didn't even know I was upstairs" he argued.

"Why can't Elena carry anything?" Sasha asked as she finally got out of her car and made it to us.

"You haven't told her?!?" I yelled at Conner and he slowly shook his head 'no'.

"Tell me what?" Sasha asked curiously.

"Im pregnant" I said simply and she gasped and grabbed the box out of my hand.

After all the chaos of the baby and carrying boxes I sat in the house watching tv while Sasha,Conner,May and Will carried things out.

Will had shown up about an hour after Sasha and May.

About two hours later Conner came in and sat on the floor next to me since they had taken the couch and the tv out to the truck.

"Everything's loaded and ready to go" he told me and my eyes started to fill up with tears.

"I'm going to walk around once before I go and pick up the kids" I said then stood up.

I walked to the kitchen first. This is where I heated up thousands of bottles and made thousands of breakfasts. I ran my finger over the countertops and the cupboards.

I then walked up the stairs to my room. The room where Conner and I had slept together for the first time. The place where my babies loved to spend time.

I walked to Violets room next and the tears slowly started to fall. My baby grew up in this room this is where she read or at least tried to read. Where she spent hours playing with her toys. I am really going to miss this room.

Finally I walked to the triplets room. The only room the triplets knew the place that was there nursery and then turned into their big boy and big girls room. Many tantrums happened here and this is where they learned to walk.

I decided it was time to go so I wiped my tears and walked down the stairs where Conner was waiting with a sympathetic look on his face.

"Are you ready? Or do you wanna stay a little longer?" He asked but I just walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him lightly before pulling back.

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