Chapter 3

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(Barry's Pov)

"Please, just let me explain. I mean you no harm," Mystery guy said.

"How do you know my name?"

"I know all your names. Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Detective Joe West, Maya Hernandez or I should say Maya Hernandez-Allen"

"... Enough. That part about explaining needs to happen right about now," Maya said.

"This world is in danger."

"What other worlds are there?" Stein asked.

"When you created the singularity above Central City, you also created a breach between my world and yours."

"I'm sorry, a breach?..." Joe asked shocked.

"Yes, a portal connecting our two earths."

"And what precisely is your concern?" Maya asked.

"A few days ago, you found a dead man named Al Rothstein at the nuclear plant. But then a different Al Rothstein tried to kill you. Atom Smasher. That man was from my world. If he got through the breach, I suspect there'll be more to follow."

"Okay, so, Jay, how exactly do you know all of this?" I asked.

"Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash...Before I arrived on your earth, I was in a fight with a man named Zoom."

"Zoom? I've heard that name before. Atom Smasher, he said Zoom sent him here to kill me."

All of this is a lot to take in and I can tell by everyone's faces that they are thinking the exact same thing... especially Joe. Stein just looks fascinated with it all. Cisco looks like his mind was just blown into a million tiny pieces. Caitlin looks confused but at the same time looks like nothing is phasing her. Maya per usual looks like she wants to beat the living crap out of the intruder...yeah she might a little bit of a hot head but only when it comes to protecting those who she loves.

Me on the other hand even my speed brain can't process this quick enough and as a nervous tick I grabbed Maya's hand. I don't know, something about it makes me slow down. She holds my hand back and interlocks our fingers and I feel like I can breathe and think again. Not only because of our relationship and our future but just having someone who went through the same experience of getting struck by lightning and getting powers and having to navigate those powers is comforting. Other than us two out of og team flash we are the only ones with the powers so we have each other to talk to about the pressures of saving the city.

It just happens to be a plus that she's the love of my life... literally. Not because of what a future newspaper article byline says but because I felt this ever since elementary... and seeing that byline not only confirmed it but it made me a little excited that someday, sometime, somewhere, (A/n: Okay DC Titans reference ;) ) I get to share my last name with her. It made think how excited I am to see her in a white beautiful gown walking down the aisle towards me to become my forever. She's my safe space and inhaler when I need to breath. When she came into life, she came in and she was like a shot of espresso. She 's like being bathed in sunlight. She's incredibly energetic and enthusiastic. And she had this sense of play and fun which was incredibly exciting. (A/n: Okay Gwen and Peter... just don't crack her neck *sorry for the emotional damage*) I can't wait till 2024 to make her my future... I want to do it now.

(Maya's Pov)

Barry grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight. Of course I held it back and weirdly I wasn't going off on mystery guy anymore. Barry and I are each other's nervous ticks and each other's reality check.

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