P2: Take him and a little trophy~

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A/n: These parts are povs. Then next into the story.


Tommy's pov:

 Alright...I got 12 diamonds....43 raw iron and a few arrows and gunpowder. I'm back at exile...ughh the memories that i've gotten through...

I hope Revivebur dosen't f*cked up some sh*t...there at Las Nevadas....


Revivebur barged in and yells out Tommy's name out loudly and repeatedly.

A few mins later, he barged in the room you, Niki and Puffy in. Niki ran and hid for awhile.

Revivebur: Well, well, we meet again...what was it? Oh yea..Y/n. Pretty as ever.

Y/n: What do you want.

Revivebur: You know what I want sweetie. I want to take him and might as well take a little trophy for that.

He hold you chin looking up at him and smirked at you.

Puffy: Leave her alone, Wilbur! *puts on armor and brings out an axe* LEAVE!

Revivebur: Or what, Dear Puffy?

???: Or this!

Niki was wearing her armor and crits Wilbur 2 times behind him.

 Tommy's pov:

I got that f*cking feeling....It can't stop...


Wilbur/Revivebur's Pov:

Those motherf*ckers....I just wanted Tommy back! F*ck sakes...is that- No f*cking way...it's Y/n-


Niki's pov:

Wilbur changed alot...but I hear that taking a little trophy? Is he talking about Y/n....taking her and him (Tommy) away...I have to stop that...but I need alot of help.


(A/n: Yes Dream is online but not Techno-)

Dream's pov:

Y/n is really special, brave, strong, independent and so much more! I swear if Me and Techno got out of here...I'll recruit you Dear Y/n and my Precious little George into our duo.

We will be unstoppable! It's just a F*CKING! matter of time~

No one will betray us, no one will destroy us and NO ONE! WILL GET THIS POWER! Me, Techno, Y/n and George~ Perfect~ I just have to try and manipulate directly or indirectly to Y/n then to George...this plan will be perfect.


Y/n's pov:

I want to take him and might as well take a little trophy for that. I want to take him and might as well take a little trophy for that.-

 I want to take him and might as well take a little trophy for that. I can't stop thinking about that! Oh my god....I wish Tommy is fine...You know what...screw this, I'm going out and looking for his exile island.

Quackity, Niki and Puffy left the room for awhile...You got a chance to escape and you did it! Without any noise or anyone seeing you inside.

You found a room/place that is filled with maxed armor and weapons. Took 2 sets (for you and Tommy) you wore yours and sneaked out of Las Nevadas. 

You made planks and crafted a boat leaving Las Nevadas...

Time passed and you found an island with smoke and light flying through the air. You rowwed you're bow to it and it turns out to be Tommy's exile.

You hopped out, broke the boat ad hid it in you're inventory.

It was night so you brought out you're axe.

Y/n: Tommy? Tommy? Are you here Buddy?

 You heard steps behind you and looked back quickly and saw...Tommy.

Tommy: Y/n?!

Y/n: Tommy?!

Both (you and Tommy): What are you doing here?

Tommy: I ran away from Las Nevadas-

Y/n: I'm here to bring you back to Las Nevadas-



Someone yelled out you're names and Revivebur was behind Tommy.

Revivebur: Thanks for leading me here, Dear Y/n~

Y/n: What?! How?! Tommy take this and wear it!

You dropped the other set and Tommy took, wore and took out a bow, aiming for Wilbur.

Revivebur: When I was leaving ''you're'' TERITORRY, I saw you leaving and taking stuff from Las Nevadas, armor, food, weapons and even pearls.

Then made a boat and followed you all the way here~ I'm sure Quackity is already worried for you~

Y/n: Why would he be worried, when he is behind you?

Revivebur: What..- *looks back* WHAT THE F*CK?! how?!

Y/n: Once I'm about to sail here, I figure what if someone followed me or worry about me, so I private messaged Quackity and follow me here,

Quackity: Yep and you're out numbered old friend, it's a 3v1! So stop hiding the fact you can't f*cking kill us three.

Revivebur: you're motherf*cking smart my Dear Y/n~ I didn't think this through. Why would we just settle this nicely, or not!

No one knows when Tommy logged off, someone placed tnt everywhere. When Revivebur found out he had a good idea, to settle it.

He ignited the tnt and you three ran out of the island including Revivebur but he just pearled away.

Y/n: I'm gonna f*cking kill him! *you threw a pearl to catch up to him*.

Quackity: Wait- Y/n!

You teleported away and saw Wilbur running of...

Fuck off! ) Big Q x F!Reader (Where stories live. Discover now