Getting ready-

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Antfrost's pov:

How insane is Revivebur now? I should check. *Grabs a book and quill, some food and accessed all the trials, doors and some other stuff* His cell should be here-

Ant: Revivebur? Are you alright in there?

Revivebur: *turns around* What do you want, you f*cking cat?!

Ant: Do you need any food or a new book?

Revivebur: What do you think of me? Some poor weakling that hasn't eaten for a f*cking month?

Ant: Geez, relax. imma drop it in there, you better pick it up before it despawns.

Revivebur: Ugghhh! Fine, give it. Stupid F*cking alley cat.

Ant: relax *drops both* There I got to head back. Enjoy the book and food.

Revivebur: Yea, yea.

Ant leaves Revivebur's cell to head back the front desk.

Revivebur's pov:

Finally he left. These f*cking guards are so annoying for f*cks sake!

*opens the last book and quill'*

I hope this f*cking plan works or i'll f*cking k*ll myself-

Ughhh...First tommy then my F*cking son...If Sally we're just a real person this wouldn't happen she would've not liked this. All of this!

I swear, I'll nuke this place to the ground! Tubbo that f*cking sh*t ass goat has some nukes but doesn't use them! What a waste!

The "Blade" with his witherskulls and soul sand are useful too~ For this...This will be so perfect no one could even predict it.


With Sam...

Sam called out everyone to join him. Everyone joined and met him at *********.

Sam: Alright....Everyone, thanks for coming. I know you all know Revivebur, well...since I locked him up at Prison his insanity increased like alot!

 I'm requesting everyone always wear their gear and ready like, gapples, pearls, any kind of blocks and always be on alert just in case Revivebur escapes.

Everyone: Ok/Alright/Sure/Noted.

Sam: Right, I gotta head back to the prison. Goodbye Everyone!

Everyone leaves the place and you, Quackity, Tubbo, Fundy and Foolish came back from the meeting.

Charlie: You guys are back! What did Sam said?

Y/n: He said about Revivebur's insanity increased, and that we need to prepare some stuff and good/maxed armor.

Charlie: Ahh, alright. Tommy is doing fine here and Purpled didn't come or left anything here.

Quackity: Alright, Charlie.

Tubbo: Oh! I need to talk about Y/n something.

Quackity: Ok, Tubs. I gotta do something anyways.

Quackity head on with Charlie to grab and fix some stuff, Foolish left the game, Fundy came along with Quackity and Charlie and You and Tubbo left alone.

Y/n: So what is it you wanna tell me, Tubs?

Tubbo: Remember, I said all about Micheal?

Y/n: Yea, what's wrong?

Tubbo: Nothings wrong but, I can't bring Michael out of the house. Maybe you could just go to Snow Chester with me and meet him personally?

Y/n: We'll see. I'll go ask Quackity about it.

Tubbo: Alright! Just chat or dm me if you wanna meet him.

Y/n: Alright, Does he like anything? So I can bring him something?

Tubbo: Hmmm, anything will be fine. But I prefer like a potatoes or seeds for his Chicken.

Y/n: Awww...alright!

Tubbo: Ok. I gotta go and meet up with Niki and Ghostboo. Bye!

Y/n: Bye, Tubs!

Tubbo left you and you go and Met up with Charlie and Quackity.

Charlie: Hey, Y/n!

Y/n: Hey, Charlie what are you guys up to now?

Charlie: Just gotta make these armor sets, get more xp on them. Wanna help?

Y/n: Yea sure! Is there anything else?

Charlie: hmm...gapples and ender pearls! :DD

Y/n: Ok, then. Imma find a lot of apples here and gold at the nether.

Quackity: Ok, be safe.

Y/n: Got it!

You left Las Nevadas and head to the nether portal location. Since, you're full netherite you don't need any gold armor pieces) You found a good gold without any piglins around.

Fuck off! ) Big Q x F!Reader (Where stories live. Discover now