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When I woke up, Hadley was peacefully awake watching television and of course he was watching dance moms. Season 3. I looked at the clock. 13 more hours.
"Hadley, you should be soaring high above the clouds and having fun. You shouldn't be stuck in a damn hospital room." Mrs. Stewart stated.
We all Got used to that language. It sorta came naturally one day.
"Mom. When Miley wakes up I want to...oh hey Miles." He said. I rolled to face the other way to look at him and he laughed. "You have some bed head." I rolled my eyes. He didn't care about anything but that. Today, he was wearing the shirt I gave him last year and there on his hand he had the infinity tattoo. "I got it done this morning. That way when I leave, every time you look at your hand you will remember me." He said smiling. He then started to cry just out of the blue. I wouldn't blame him.
"It's not like I wasn't going to think of you before." I said smiling and then realized tears were coming down hard for me too.
Izzy walked into the room, bloodshot eyes, shaky fingertips and a black eye circles underneath her sparkly brown eyes. "That was a rough night." She said setting down 3 frappes on Hadley's table. One for me, one for him and one for her.
"This is this last thing I wanna eat." He said sipping his coffee. He wasn't allowed to eat or drink the last 12 hours of his death so he needed this now.
I was wiping my tears. "Hey." He said holding his hand out to touch my cold arm. The heat of his hand warmed my heart. "We will leave the crying and the confessing for later." He said. I nodded and so did izzy. This was so hard. In 13 hours, he won't be there and he won't warm my heart anymore.

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