chapter 10

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"Mom, I need to leave, what's wrong?" Arthit whined standing at the door

"Wait for a second oon, let me pack a few stuff for you" arthit's mom yelled from the kitchen

"Mo.." Arthit was cut by namtan

"Let her, mothers feel happy to do these things for their kids" namtan replied

"Get some sense in your brain like her" arthit's father said from behind making him pout

"You are still the same pouty, whiny baby" namtan chuckled

"I'm 24 miss" arthit replied squinting his eyes at her as she raised her hands in defence

"Here, done" arthit's mother finally passed him a bag which was rather..

"Heavy, what all did you pack in there?" Arthit asked confused

"Oh I'm glad you asked, three types of pickles, your favourite ginger paste, and a few favourite homemade snacks of yours" she replied proudly

Arthit nodded at the information, before quickly hugging everyone as he walked out towards the taxi waiting for him

Setting in the luggage, he turned towards namtan

"Call me once you reach Bangkok tomorrow, let's meet up, I will help you find an apartment too" arthit suggested

"Oh sure, I might as well stay somewhere around you" namtan replied

"Only if you don't have an over possessive boyfriend or something" arthit quickly stated

"I don't have any at all" namtan giggled

Finally bidding their goodbyes, arthit sat in the taxi and the driver drove him off to bangkok and his apartment

At kongpob's home

"Finally, its all done, who else do I need to call now?" Kongpob asked going through his files

The file he kept on messing up was finally completed and now he had to contact the best of each department from his office, for some internal company competitions arriving

"This department, arthit" kongpob's voice came out as a mere whisper

Arthit was indeed the best one in his department, and accordingly kongpob had to contact him

Picking up his phone he went through his contact list and found the said male's number, he could never gather the courage to delete it, nor sure if arthit uses the same number anymore or not he clicked the call button with a blank expression

The call was picked, there was a little rustling noises before the other end spoke


Kongpob's heart beat fastened without a warning and in a second, so loud that he was scared arthit could hear it through the phone

"Hello, is anyone there?" Arthit asked

Kongpob's heart broke, arthit didn't have his number, maybe he deleted it out of disgust

You really never had any feelings for me p? kongpob thought

"Is anyone there?" Arthit asked again

Kongpob gulped the lump in his throat before he spoke

"Khun arthit" Kongpob called




Silence was all Kongpob could hear, it was so silent that he checked if the call actually ended

"Kongpob" arthit breathed out

"I don't think I gave you the permission to address me informally khun arthit" Kongpob replied, his voice coming out colder than expected

Arthit cleared his throat before speaking again

"Sorry sir, may I help you?" Arthit asked, his voice breaking

Why do you sound affected when you aren't? Kongpob thought

"I just wanted to inform you about the internal competitions taking place personally, you are going to represent your department" Kongpob informed

Personally? Arthit thought, a smile breaking on his face

"I informed it to everyone personally, its just a way to make you all comfortable and familiar with me" kongpob cleared, he didn't know why

Oh arthit thought, his heart beat fainting

There was no other response and then the line went dead

Kongpob sighed, putting the phone away, he cupped his head in his hands, breathing loudly to somewhat calm his racing heart

"He isn't affected Kong, he really doesn't care, he never did in the first place" kongpob repeated to himself as if it helped, when it didn't

At arthit's home

Arthit sighed, his hand fiddling with the phone as he thought whether to save his number or not

Arthit never deleted his number, he just couldn't get himself to do it. Until his phone one day fell, and stopped working

He had to get it repaired, and had to format the whole mobile to make it work again, not putting much thought to it, he did as told by the worker

Once he got the phone back, realization hit him hard, and he felt stupid for not using common sense, he had lost all his numbers, he restored the others from his parents or friends but couldn't get kongpob's, either because nobody had it or because even if they did, he wouldn't be able to ask for it

Fuck it arthit thought

Saving the contact with the name Kongpob he put his phone away

"He doesn't love you anymore arthit, he really doesn't, he is your boss, you work under him, that's all it will ever be" arthit repeated to himself as if it helped, when it didn't

Double update!

Is this chapter or story confusing in any way? Please let me know if it is

I purple you 💜

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