Chapter 1

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"Arthit! What are you thinking about?" Knot asked

"Nothing" arthit replied in short

"Are you sure, there is nothing bothering your mind. You know right, you can tell me if there is something" knot said placing his hand on arthit's shoulder

"Knot, do you have any problem with tutah?" Arthit asked out of the blue

"Yeah, who dosen't? he is so irrita....." Knot was cut by arthit

"I mean about him being gay?" Arthit seriously asked

", I never had any problem with that and never will until and unless he starts hitting on me. Arthit is there any problem?" Knot asked

Knot was quite confused by the sudden and stupid question coming from arthit's mind. Arthit is not drinking his pink milk, unable to sleep and then suddenly this sort of a question, something is really off and he hopes its not related to that 0062! You know whom he is talking about

"Actually, knot I...I kon...Kongpob" arthit confessed staring at his untouched glass of pink milk

"Arthit...I..what am I supposed to say on this? I never knew you are" Knot asked surprised

"I am not gay, its only Kongpob" arthit cleared himself

"Well, if I am not wrong then its the same thing right?" Knot asked

Arthit didn't reply, his fingers were shaking nervously and his head hung so low, that knot feared it would fall off his neck

"Arthit, I have no problem with you liking Kongpob, and I am sure no one in our group does. Are you okay with your feelings?" Knot asked with concern

"I am not sure knot, I have hurt him enough. That night, when he tried to confess his feelings to me over the phone call, I didn't let him and hung up. And then I have been ignoring him....and now he ignores me too, what if he has given up?" Arthit asked

"That is possible" knot truthfully said

"Huh?" Arthit asked scared

"Obviously arthit, you ignored the kid for a whole week what do you expect? Maybe you should try talking to him" knot suggested

"But what if he doesn't want to talk to me anymore?" Arthit asked

"You cannot jump onto conclusions solely arthit, he has a part in it too. Talk to him, I am sure he will understand you" knot said smiling politely

Arthit nodded and gave a faint smile

at the dinner shop

Arthit was standing near the pink milk stall waiting for his pink milk while his food was in his hands already. He was silently humming a song when a familiar voice spoke, not to him, but it earned arthit's attention

He turned to his left to find the guy he least expected to be there, his junior Kongpob! Right, Kongpob stood there staring back at him with his food in his hands

What is he doing at the pink milk stall? Arthit thought

As far as arthit knows, Kongpob is more of a coffee person, so what is he doing here at this pink milk stall? Was he drinking pink milk because he missed arthit?

"The pink milk" the lady at the stall said

The voice bought them out of their Dreamlands and kongpob immediately looked away. He didn't even give arthit a smile and it hurt arthit really bad

"Thanks" arthit said approaching the cup when

"Its his, I am really sorry arthit but there is no pink milk left" the lady said pointing at Kongpob

So was arthit's thought right? Kongpob was drinking pink milk because he missed arthit?

"Its okay, you can give it to this man, I will leave" Kongpob said to the lady and left

"Here you go then" the Lady said as she passed the pink milk to arthit

"This man" am I that of a stranger now, that he couldn't even speak out my name? Arthit thought

The tears brimming in his eyes were ready to fall any minute, to prevent from embarrassing himself in the shop, arthit quickly made his way back to the dorm

He had his food in complete silence, the curtains of his window closed so that he couldn't see the junior. After having his dinner he decided to complete his project, and so he sat down with his book and pens and all the necessary equipments

There was something odd today, he wasn't focused. He tried his best to be focused but he just couldn't do it, he just couldn't. It was hard, no, it was impossible to concentrate on the project

Irritatedly arthit stood up and stormed to his balcony, staring into the sky, counting the stars as if that would help. He saw a familiar figure standing in the balcony, he had a thin burning cigarette in his hands, which he took to his lips on uniform intervals

The sight was not pleasant, arthit has already told Kongpob to quit smoking, but here he is making stupid circles into the air. Arthit knew Kongpob was stressed but this would not help, it will only make the situation worse

Arthit didn't know when he started staring at Kongpob shamelessly until their eyes met and it felt as if the time has stopped. Arthit wished for this moment to never end, but the luck was not with him lately and as a result Kongpob crushed the cigarette on the railing and walked back into his dorm room

Arthit looked disappointed but at least Kongpob crushed the cigarette, arthit gave a last look to the closed curtains of kongpob's room and walked back in

Quietly he laid down on his bed, eyes wide open and his mind on duty. Thinking about all the random and irrelevant things possible

Does kongpob love me anymore? What if Kongpob was fooled by his own feelings? What if Kongpob was only kidding? What if we never get to talk again? And so on

I purple you 💜

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