chapter 3

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"What is he even doing?" Prem asked irritatedly

"He is probably still sleeping, its Saturday after all" bright said

"For the first time I agree with this little creature" tutah said

"Should I take it as an appreciation or insult?" Bright asked

"As you wish" tutah replied

"Oh shut up, he is here already" knot informed

"Hi, I an sorry for being late. Actually my iron wasn't working well, so it took me time to iron my clothes" arthit informed

"You do iron your clothes?" Bright asked surprised

"I am good at hiding dead bodies too" arthit informed

"Is it? I will be a gentleman then khun arthit" bright said dramatically

He looks quite better today knot thought

"Okay, come on we are already late" knot reminded

Nodding in agreement everyone sat in the car

At the wedding

The hazers walked out of the car, and got inside the hall. It was fantastically decorated, so so beautiful. Arthit admired the place

This is the perfect place to propose arthit thought smiling

"Arthit you seem very well today" knot whispered

"Shouldn't I be?" Arthit asked

"I didn't mean that" knot said

"Oh guys, come on" tutah said pushing them all to the stage

"Congratulations p'tom" arthit wished

"Thanks arthit" tom said smiling

"Congratulations p'tom" knot wished

"Thanks knot" tom smiled

"I would like to give you an advice instead of congratulations because that is basic" bright said

"And what is the advice?" Tom asked

"Don't ever, like ever argue with p'boom" bright advised

"Why is it so?" Tom asked

"I don't know, I just browsed the internet for best wedding wishes and one post said " don't ever, like ever fight with your wife" and so I advised you" bright said

"What else could I expect from you nong bright, but thanks" tom said

"Where is p'boom?" Arthit asked

"She is with her friends" tom informed

"Come on everyone smile" prem called

Everyone turned towards the voice, prem was standing there with the camera in his hands. Everyone smiled to the camera, and prem clicked a bunch of pictures

After the photo session, the three hazers walked down the stage

"Where is tutah?" Knot asked

"No idea, he told me that he has something to show" bright said

Arthit just hummed looking around

"Are you waiting for someone?" Knot asked

"Actually......" Arthit was about to finish when he saw someone and rushed to the someone

"Pam, you are here" arthit said smiling eagerly

"Yes arthit, shouldn't I be?" Pam asked chuckling

"Aww! I didn't mean that, where is Kongpob by the way?" Arthit asked looking around

"Nong Kongpob, he won't be attending the wedding" Pam informed

Arthit's heart broke into a million pieces, Kongpob is not attending the wedding what about his plan? Did Kongpob skip the wedding because of his presence?

"W..why?" Arthit asked

"He is a bit busy actually, yesterday when I called him. He told me that he will be visiting his parents this weekend and so he will leave directly from the wedding, but today when I called him in the morning he told me that he cannot make it because he needs to pack all his stuff, he is moving out na, so its hectic" Pam informed

"Moving out?" Arthit asked confused

That was the only thing he heard "moving out" Kongpob is moving out, in the middle of the semester? Why? What happened? Does he hate arthit so much, that he can't stand seeing him?

"Don't you know, he is transversing his university as its nearer to his home, so he will be staying at his parents home" Pam Informed

Arthit didn't reply

What should he reply? Kongpob left him forever. What is arthit supposed to say? What should he do? Not only his plan, but it feels he failed

"I will get going, meet you later arthit" Pam said and left

Arthit stood there staring straight, blankly when he felt a light tap on his shoulder

"Arthit" a soft voice called

Arthit turned around to find knot standing there

"" Arthit stammered

He was blank, numb, feeling stupid all the stupid feelings humanly possible

"I heard it arthit, I heard what Pam said. I know its stupid of Kongpob to do so, but I thing you should leave him, its his life, his choices" knot said

Arthit didn't reply, instead walked away

Knot sighed and shook his head, he couldn't see arthit being this helpless

Arthit walked out of the hall, walking to god knows where...... He was walking and walking and walking, blankly

Arthit didn't realise when he reached the Rama VIII bridge, the sky was beautiful, stars shining brightly and the moon looked beautiful


Oh God! There is nothing arthit can think of that doesn't have Kongpob in it. Arthit stood there staring at the sky imagining, what if his plan would have worked? What if Kongpob would have accepted? They would be dating now....they would be boyfriends...such a beautiful thought

But...Kongpob left arthit forever, they will never meet. The story of arthit and kongpob has come to an end even before it started

I purple you 💜

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