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At this point in time, Ashley was nearly completely broken. Carly on the other hand was not, and was shocked that they were doing more to Ashley than they had done to her in years.

Dr. Prescot came in, and untied Ashley's feet and hands from the bed. She stared at Ashley blankly, who was still unconscious. The girl looked rough. Her lips curved into a sly smile as she thought that her and Dr. Beckett were doing well. Deep down, though, she felt horrible for doing this. But, she knew she had to do this, otherwise she and her family (of her, her husband, and her two very young children) would be killed. It just had to be done.

She slowly picked up Ashley, who was still unconscious, and brought her to another room, where she put Ashley on what seemed to be a medical table of some sorts, and restrained her to the table. She felt numb at this point, almost wanting to cry because guilt began to wash over her. She knew Dr. Beckett would be like this too, so she wasn't worried about that.
She then muttered, "Ashley, I'm so sorry.."

She stepped back and started breathing heavily, feeling a panic attack coming. This happened often, because of the guilt, but she had medication to control this, and so did Beckett. The medicine was to numb their emotions and make them cold and seemingly heartless. She rushed out of the room to find her medication. Due to the medication, her panic attacks, when they were coming, were a lot stronger since the medication suppressed her emotions. She knew if she was going to have one it'd be bad, and she needed to find those meds.

She eventually found them, and downed a few pills in her system. She stood there for a few minutes, feeling her panic attack slowly fade away and she began to feel like she was "normal" again. She then went to find Dr. Beckett, to help her with what they needed to do next to Ashley.

"Oh, I see you did the thing. Let's go then, Prescot." Dr. Beckett said, it being evident she had to take her medication too.

They both went back to the room, and locked the door behind them. They then turned off the lights, and slipped on their goggles which would allow them to see in the dark perfectly fine. Dr. Beckett proceeded to grab a syringe and inject it into Ashley, which soon enough jerked her awake.

"Wh-where am I?! Hello?? Why is it so dark?!" She exclaimed, struggling against the restraints. She felt four hands - of two people - holding her down because of her struggling.
"Stop struggling. You'll just make it more painful." Dr. Beckett said, gritting her teeth.
"Not again, please! Not again! I don't want any more of this... please..." Ashley begged, kicking her legs around because those weren't being held down.
Dr. Prescot sighed as she went and grabbed a knife, and then plunged the knife into one of Ashley's legs. This caused Ashley to scream.
"Didn't we tell you to stop struggling?" She said, her tone monotone.
Ashley went still again, as tears rolled down her face.

The two doctors let go of her, and then went to grab their incision knives. They came back over and cut through Ashley's shirt.
"No, no, no! Please!" Ashley begged, feeling her shirt being cut. She believed she knew what they were doing.

The doctors ignored her pleads and continued, eventually getting to her skin. Ashley winced, gritting her teeth, preparing for what was coming.

They cut into Ashley's stomach, which caused her to scream and cry. Very.. very loudly.

They weren't here to just make her in pain, though. They wanted to place a device in her which would cause her to not be able to digest food. Dr. Beckett grabbed the device, which was hot. Dr. Prescot held Ashley down as Dr. Beckett placed it into Ashley. Because of it being hot, Ashley screamed even more, and struggled a bit.

It was obviously hot, which caused it to burn some of Ashley's inner skin. Obviously, as time goes on, it will cool down. It just happened to be hot right now.

Dr. Beckett finished placing it into Ashley, making sure it was tight and secure. Ashley was breathing heavily at this point, becoming too weak once again to struggle. She then stitched Ashley back up and repaired the clothes.

Because of the screams, however, someone had heard...

The Nuclear Family | BOOK I [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now