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As the sun rose, Ashley woke up and did her normal thing as she did every morning. However, Esther didn't pester her about leaving for school. Ashley figured the little talk she had with Esther helped, and it seemed her parents intervened as well with that situation. Well, nonetheless, she was grateful. Also grateful for the fact her and Esther's close relationship didn't take damage.

Anywho, she arrived at school and went to her locker, when she saw Haley and Kira talking in the distance. She noticed they both seemed to be anxious about something, and walked over to them.

"Hey, what's wrong guys? You two seem nervous about something.."
"Rue is missing." Kira said flatly.
"WHAT?!" Ashley burst out, then took a deep breath, "Wait, what? How?!"

"We think a government official heard us talking last night," Haley said, turning around to face Ashley, "I don't know how, though. I mean, Riley's house isn't really in the city, so it wouldn't make sense."
"Yeah, I don't get it either to be honest with you." Kira said, looking down to the ground, seeing as she too was anxious and worried.

"There's no telling what they've done to her.." She then mumbled.

Ashley was shocked. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Rue was missing? But, how? How did the government hear them? Kira was right, Riley did live on the outskirts of town.

Haley then burst out, "Agh, why is the government this way?! Why can't they just let us have our free range? Is it that hard to just NOT KIDNAP LITERAL CHILDREN?!"

The hallway went dead silent due to how loud Haley was, and everyone stared at her.
"Uhhh, sorry. My bad." Haley said, laughing nervously.

"Let's go somewhere private." Ashley grunted, dragging her two friends to the women's restroom. No one was there right now.

"Haley, you need to calm down. We aren't going to get anywhere if you start yelling and stuff.." She said, slowly and locking her gaze with Haley's.

"You want ME to CALM DOWN?! How the hell am I supposed to do that, huh?" Haley yelled, getting closer to Ashley, but not in a good way, "Our friend is MISSING! And you expect me to calm down?!"

"U-Uhm.." Ashley muttered, backing away and against the wall, in which Haley got closer, practically cornering her. Ashley began to slightly panic, fearing she pissed Haley off, and was scared Haley was going to hit her. Kira stepped in, and grabbed Haley's shirt from behind,
"Stop. You're scaring her." She said in a dark tone, her gaze showing that she too was pissed, but not at Ashley; at Haley.

Haley turned to Kira and shoved her away, "YOU stay out of it, would ya?"
"What the hell has gotten into you, Haley? You're seriously going to hit me and or Ashley over this?" Kira yelled, a bit frantic but also mad.

Haley went silent for a moment, then her expression darkened as she turned back to Ashley, "Yeah, watch me!"
Haley punched Ashley in the face, which resulted in Ashley's glasses breaking.

Ashley stood there for a moment in silence, as tears streamed down her face. Haley was shocked at what she had done, and backed away. Kira looked disappointed, and got up.
"I'm disappointed in you, Haley. I can't believe you'd hit your best friend over a remark she made. You know, she's right. You do need to calm down. We aren't going to get anywhere if you keep having outbursts like this. I know you have anger issues, but that doesn't excuse hitting your friends. Leave me and Ashley alone for a bit, okay? Riley doesn't have to know right now, so just go run off to her."
Kira stated, keeping her gaze locked with Haley's as she said this, her tone annoyed and like she was running out of patience.

"I'm so-"
"Leave it. Let's go, Ashley."

With that, Kira grabbed Ashley and took her to the nurse. Haley stood there in silence, looking at her hand. She couldn't believe she did this; especially over something so trivial. She sat down against the wall, curled up, and cried. She felt horrible.

Two hours later..

"Kira, it's okay. She did it out of anger, I don't hate her. Can we pleaseee just go check on her???" Ashley whined, practically begging. Her glasses had been fixed at this point and she was okay. Kira was still mad at Haley for hitting Ashley.

"No, she shouldn't have the privilege of having us care about her right now. I mean, she punched you Ashley. For no reason." Kira responded, flatly, and very much annoyed.

"But.. but she didn't mean it! You know she didn't, Kira! She probably feels horrible.. that retribution and us leaving her alone is enough.." Ashley, a bit saddened, responded to Kira with a pleading look in her eyes.

"Fine, you can. But I'm not getting near that.. that bitch." Kira scoffs.

Ashley sighed, turning away from Kira, "You know, Kira. You can't hold grudges forever. Haley's a good person. Stop making her out to be the worst person ever. What about the government? They're the ones that took Rue! Not Haley. If anything, she's nothing compared to them in terms of being a bad person. You don't have to speak to her right now, but stop villainizing her."

Before Kira could speak, Ashley left and went to find Haley. Riley was watching from a distance, and just sighed.

The Nuclear Family | BOOK I [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now