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That is the sound of the alarm. Exactly 6:00 in the morning. A young girl slowly opens her eyes, grunting at the fact it seems that every time she goes to sleep it just goes by so quickly. She sits up, and turns off the alarm. For a few moments, she basks in the silence that is now her room. She looks out her window, and sees that the sunrise is in progress. She smiles to herself, loving how the early sunrise looks.

Though, with a school that starts at 7:30am sharp, she had no time to be busy looking at a sunrise. And she knew this.

She began to get dressed. She slipped on her jeans, her shirt, put on her jacket, her glasses, and finally, her hat along with her shoes. She was ready for the day. As soon as she got finished, an older more mature voice yells, "Ashleeeyyyyy! Time for breakfast!"

"Okay, coming mom!" The girl, who is revealed to be Ashley, yells back.

Ashley swiftly gets out of her room and downstairs into the kitchen, where her mother and her little sister are.

"Yayyy! Ashley, you're here!" The young voice of a child spoke, running to Ashley and hugging her.

Ashley, taken aback by the hug, manages to say, "O-Of course, Esther, I'm here." She giggles a bit.

"I made french toast." The mother spoke.

"Thanks!" Ashley replied, sitting down at the table. Her sister sits next to her. Her mother sits the two plates in front of the two girls. Once that happens, they begin to eat.

After a bit of time (around five minutes) the two finish, and put their plates in the sink. Ashley then heads to get her stuff together in the foyer of the house, leaving her mother and sister in the kitchen. But little did she know, her sister followed her.

"Sissyyy! Please don't gooo!" Esther whined, clinging onto Ashley.

"Esther, not this again," Ashley said flatly, sighing sharply, "I have to go to school. I'll be back later, okay?"

"But I want you to stay hereee!" Esther whined once more.

Ashley sighs again, and softly shoves her sister away. Esther is a bit stunned, and yells, "Meanie! Fine! Go to school then! N-Not like I care!" Then she runs off crying.

Ashley feels bad, but knows that was the only way to get her sister to stop.
"What a great sister I am.. ugh. Okay, I'll apologize later.. I need to go now." Ashley mutters to herself, slipping on her backpack and getting out the door.

On her way to school, she feels terrible for doing that to Esther.

The Nuclear Family | BOOK I [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now