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As Ashley reaches the school building, she sighs out of pure guilt for making her sister cry. She does feel very bad, however, she knows that that's what had to be done. Maybe now Esther would learn.

She reaches the door and walks in, the school hallways already being crowded with people, scurrying around to get their things together for class. She walks up to her locker, and puts in the code to unlock it. In this day and age, locks didn't have actual locks now. They have a digital pad for a code along with a handprint scanning device. So even if someone has the code to a locker that isn't theirs, the hand scan would surely make sure they wouldn't be able to get in it.

She opens the locker door and puts her bag in, then rummaging around and getting her books for class. Just as she is about to close her locker door, she feels a presence behind her. She turns out slowly, flinching visibly at the sight of her very much taller, and very much blonde, best friend.

"Boo! Haha, did I scare ya?" The blonde spoke, her deep voice being very obvious, and she giggled as well.

"Haley, you know not to scare me like that!" Ashley whines.
"But, it's funny!" The girl, who is now revealed to be Haley, replies.

"To you." Ashley says, looking up at her friend and narrowing her eyes.
"Just 'cause you're taller doesn't give you teasing rights!"

"Yeah, it actually does." Haley giggles again, but does notice Ashley's solemn expression.
"Hey, what's wrong, Ashley? Is anything bothering you?"

Ashley looks away, silent for a moment.

Haley cups her face in her hands warmly, and makes Ashley face her. Ashley goes bright red.
"O-Okay, fine, yes, something is wrong!" Ashley stammers out, taking Haley's hands off her face quickly yet softly.

"I- Uhh.. I kinda made Esther cry..." Ashley says slowly, ashamed of herself, and avoiding eye contact, "Look, I didn't mean to, okay? She just.. wouldn't.. let me go.. and was being stubborn.."

Haley looks at her blankly, "That may be an ass move, but you had to do what you had to do. Little kids are quite sensitive, yeah? But they also forget things easily. I'm sure she'll forget it later on. If not, just apologize to her and it'll be okay. She's four, right?"

"Yeah, she's four."
"Then I'm sure she'll forgive you." Haley says, a soft smile fading onto her face.

"Thanks, Haley. A lot. I was afraid you'd call me a.. a bitch, or something.." Ashley says, her smile fading after the thank you part. She fears judgment a lot from people; especially when it comes to her being an older sister. A single tear rolled down her cheek as more guilt overcame her. She noticed she was crying and covered her face with her hands, "S-Sorry uh.."

Haley sighs softly, and speaks, "Ashley, I'd never call you that. You're not a bitch, I promise. We do things in the heat of the moment, yeah? You're not a bad sister. I know how much you love Esther, and I know you'd never do anything to legitimately hurt her. I'm sure she understands that," Haley stops, then grabs Ashley's hands from her face and holds them in hers, then speaks again, "You're a good sister, and a good friend. I promise."

Ashley looks up at Haley in surprise at her hands being held by her friend. Her face goes a soft red as her cheeks begin to feel hot. She gazes at Haley, who has a warm smile on her face. For a few moments, they just stare into each other's eyes, until..

"Hey, lovebirds, cut it out! I'm not about to be a third wheel in your 'romantic' relationship!" A girl said, racing at them. She was their other friend, Kira. She is the shortest one in the friend group, and tends to think Haley and Ashley are a couple when they actually aren't. Or better yet, she's really just teasing.

"H-Hey! We're not lovebirds, Kira!" Ashley stammered, moving away from Haley with a very, very red face. Haley giggles a bit.

"Oh suuure." Kira said, rolling her eyes playfully and smirking. "So I'm just going to assume that.. you two holding hands and getting very close to one another isn't you two possibly being girlfriend and girlfriend?"

"N-Nooo!" Ashley whined in defeat, covering her still red face with her hands yet again.

"Alright, Kira. That's enough teasing. Only I get to tease her like that." Haley said, smirking a bit, then looking at Ashley, "You're cute when you're flustered."

"Ahhh!" Ashley yells out, being extremely flustered at this point, and turns away from the two friends and towards her locker, "This isn't funnyyy!"

While she's distracted being all flustered, Kira exchanges a look to Haley that says a million words. Haley notices and her facial expression darkens a bit, and she nods. She goes up to Kira and whispers in her ear, "We'll tell her later, okay?"

Kira nods.

Ashley finally pulls herself together and turns around to face the both of them.

The school bell interrupts Ashley.

"..get to class, now."

Ashley sighs in defeat once again, and Kira and Haley howl with laughter. Ashley soon began to laugh as well, as they all walked to class.

The Nuclear Family | BOOK I [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now