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A few months pass, and it soon is just Haley and Ashley. Ashley is devastated by the fact all of her friends are disappearing, and she clings onto Haley as much as she can. Her and Haley's relationship grew extremely close. Perhaps, Ashley was developing romantic feelings...

Though, she wasn't sure. Her parents don't even know this. She does however know Haley is bisexual, while she herself is a closeted lesbian.

Ashley knew eventually, she would be captured by the government. She wanted to make the best of her time while she was still here, and she didn't know how long it would be. She wanted to tell Haley her feelings, but she was extremely shy to do so. She decides to confide in her parents.

As she walks home from school, her anxiety grows more and more as she approaches her house.

Soon, she got home.

"Mom, dad! I'm home!" She called out.
"Ashleeeyyy!" Esther yells, running towards Ashley and hugging her.
"Aw, Esther.." Ashley sighed, smiling to herself. She knew Esther would love her regardless of her sexuality. But, she felt Esther was too young to be told. Esther is four, not fourteen.

"I need to go talk to mom and dad. Where are they, Esther?" Ashley asks, seeming anxious.
"They're in the living room, sissy! I can take you to them!" Esther smiles, and grabs Ashley and leads her to their parents. It's like Esther knows deep down.

"Oh, hey there hun. I see you're home." An older male voice calmly says, this being Ashley's father, Tom.
"Y.. yeah." Ashley stammers out, looking away.
"What's wrong, Ash?" Her mother looks up at her from her book, with a concerned expression.
"Mom, dad.. I.. uh.." She begins, but can't bring herself to say.
Esther curiously looks up at her, "Sissy, you can tell them anything. They won't hate you. I don't know what you're wanting to say, but, I'm sure mom and dad won't hate you!"

Ashley smiles shyly. Her sister may not understand this situation, but she was a good kid. Ashley took a deep breath and calmed down. She then looks up and says, "Mom, dad.. I'm lesbian. I think I have feelings for Haley.."
She then looks away.

The room fell silent for a few moments, then Tom spoke up, "Okay? That's okay, Ashley. It's not a big deal. If you're gay, lesbian, bisexual, I don't really care. If you love Haley, so be it." He shrugged, but smiled approvingly.
"Yeah, I agree with Tom. We'll love you for who you are, Ashley. I personally don't care too much about who you date. As long as you're happy I'm happy!" Her mom replied, smiling too.

Ashley was shocked; she didn't expect this. Her eyes widened as tears of joy filled her face. "Thank you.." She muttered.

Esther looked up at her, "What's lesbian?"
"Oh, it just means I, as a girl, love girls. Romantically, like, I want to kiss them and date them, and marry them." Ashley looks down at Esther, calmly explaining this.
"Ewww, kissing!" Esther yells, giggling about the thought of Ashley and Haley kissing.
"But that's really cool!" She then says, smiling and hugging Ashley, "I didn't know that was a thing.."

Ashley giggles, and gets down to Esther's level and hugs her back.

She then gets back up, "How do I tell Haley I like her? What if she doesn't like me back..?"
"Just tell her straight forward. Like how you told us you're lesbian." Serene responded, saying this calmly.
"But.. what if she rejects me?"
"Then you just stay friends."

Ashley smiled.
"Thank you mom."

"You're welcome, hun. You tell her whenever you're ready, okay? Don't rush it!" Her mom says, laughing a bit.
"I won't." Ashley responds, laughing as well.


A few days pass, and Ashley feels ready to tell Haley. She arrives at school with the goal of making Haley hers. She eventually finds Haley, tapping her on the shoulder.

"Oh, hey there Ashley!" Haley says, smiling.
"H-Hi.." Ashley responds, blushing a bit, "Can we.. er, go somewhere private?"
"Oh? Of course, let's go to uh.. hm. What about the courtyard in that pretty area?" Haley suggests.
"Oh, sure! That's perfect!" Ashley says, smiling now and seeming happy.

Haley nods, and takes her there.
"Now, what're you wanting to say?" Haley asks.
"W-Well, uh.. I'm gonna get straight to the point," Ashley starts, but looks away as she is anxious, "I love you, Haley. I love everything about you. Your looks, your personality.. you're always there for me, and you support me. I want you to be.. my girlfriend.."

Haley's eyes widen as she goes bright red.
"Ashley, I love you too.." She stammers out, "And I'd love to be your girlfriend!"

Ashley was shocked; was this actually happening?
"Oh thank god!" Ashley finally says, hugging Haley tightly. Haley grabs Ashley's chin and makes her face her, and gently kisses Ashley on her lips. Ashley's eyes widen, but she lets Haley do this. She grips Haley as she's still hugging her as they share a tender kiss in the courtyard area, that is, very much, pretty.

A few weeks pass, and the two are doing well in their relationship. Soon, though, things wouldn't go as planned anymore.

Just as Ashley walks into her home, and closes her door, her door is busted open by what seems to be government officials.

"Ah! Uh, hello!" Ashley stammers.
Her mother, father, and sister come rushing as they hear the crash of the door.

"We are here to get Ashley." One girl said, her voice seeming almost robotic.
"What?! You can't just take her! She's a minor, you know!" The dad shouted, getting angry at this.
Esther, however, got infront of her sister, as if she was shielding her.
"You can't take my sissy! I love sissy, and I'm not letting you take her away from me!" Esther yelled, throwing her hands up as if she was shielding her more.
The government woman grunted, shoving Esther aside, "Mind your own business, kid."
Esther cried out in pain, and her mother rushed over to her aid.
Ashley began to back away, watching this horror unfold, "I-I think you've got the wrong house, I didn't do anything wrong!"
"Oh, no. We've got the right house. And you did do something. You found out our little.. secret. And we can't let you share that around!" The woman spoke, gripping Ashley's arm as she pulled her closer. Ashley struggled against her grip, but the other woman got behind her and made sure she was trapped. Ashley screamed in fear, and that seemed to anger her father.
"LET HER GO YOU ASSHOLES!" He yelled, charging at them. The woman behind Ashley turned around and kicked him down just as he got to her. "You. Stop. Before I shoot you." She spoke, her eyes narrowing and her tone dark.
"SISSY, NO! DON'T LEAVE, PLEASE!" Esther got up, running over to Ashley and practically begging. The two women began to take Ashley out of the house, despite Ashley struggling and yelling for help.

Soon, only silence could be heard as Ashley was out of the house now.
"Good god.." Her mother muttered, "We just lost Ashley.." Tears began to stream down her face.
"DAMMIT!" Her father yelled, getting up and punching a hole in the wall out of anger.
Esther just stood there, shocked, as tears streamed down her face. She stared at the open door. She felt like she couldn't breathe. Her chest felt so heavy and she felt like she was going to faint. She fell to her knees and began sobbing, almost unable to breathe as she began hyperventilating.

Poor Esther. Poor, poor Esther.

The Nuclear Family | BOOK I [✔️]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ