Chapter 6

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For today's agenda, Jeongyeon and Jimin are supposed to go around town to meet the townspeople and probably inquire some other stuff that they need

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For today's agenda, Jeongyeon and Jimin are supposed to go around town to meet the townspeople and probably inquire some other stuff that they need. The young prince was getting his cloak ready as it's still snowing outside but not as heavy as from the past few days, he checked himself at the mirror for the last time before hearing one of this brothers complaining on the back.

"I feel like I'm going to die if I stay here too much." Jin sighed out loud dramatically while laying down on the bed, wrapped thickly around the blanket to keep himself warm. "I don't know how you'll manage to live here with her highness — it's so cold!"

"Oh Jin-hyung, don't talk such nonsense." Jimin giggled from his brother's words, "I have to fulfill my duty as Jeongyeon's fiancé. She's working extra hard everyday so I have to keep up."

"So you're calling each other by your first names now? What a progression, Chim." Hobi wiggled his eyebrows as the rest of the boys began to 'woo' by themselves.

"Shut up. She insisted and I have to respect what she wishes me to do." Jimin rolled his eyes at them, getting up from his seat while the maids paved his way towards the exit. "I'll be back by noon so please don't wait for me for dinner."

"Look who's getting fond of her majesty." Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows playfully too in which Jimin just shrugged it off with a sassy smile before heading out to see his fiancé.

Jeongyeon on the other hand was just getting her clothes done by her personal maids while her sisters would giggle and tease her regarding the event from last night.

"Oh I wish I also have a prince charming who would do that for me~" Chaeyoung sighed dreamily by her older sister's bed. "Do you think he's cute?" She then gave her a small smirk which made Jeongyeon avert her gaze to her sister in denial.

"He's alright." She shrugged but her lips tugged in a small smile mischeviously, making her way out of the room while her sisters began to whine for leaving them so early without telling them more details about their late night walk. For some reason, she could see a bit much of the sun trying to peek through the thick clouds up above. It's been the second time she's seen that in her entire life and she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed from the bubbling happiness inside her.

"His royal highness, Prince Jimin of the Southern Kingdom." The royal guard announced by the main gate where Jimin was standing gorgeously along with his personal guards from his kingdom. Their eyes finally met until Jimin bowed his head, Jeongyeon bowing back in such grace.

"Good morning." He greeted softly.

They started to walk down the semi-snowy path with both of their royal guards and hand maidens behind them to make sure they don't trip or give them enough security in general in which Jeongyeon finds annoying at some point.

"How was your breakfast this morning? Did you like it?" Jeongyeon started the conversation while keeping her grace.

"Ah yes— I haven't eaten that much for so long! Foreign foods are simply the best that you wanted to try everything out." Jimin patted his tummy as he was very full, which makes Jeongyeon smile a bit while thinking how carefree he is to talk to.

The townspeople welcomed them warmly especially the prince who they kept on giving gifts non stop. They made sure that he feels at home while with them and that they're very glad to have him as the queen's new king consort. It was quite a relief for Jeongyeon to know that he's well loved by her own people — but then what worries her most is the southern kingdom's people, getting agitated whether they'll like her like her people feels towards Jimin. She snapped right out of her thoughts when Jimin suddenly asked her, "Jeongyeon? Are you okay?" Her eyes landed on him while the other townsperson was also waiting for her to answer regarding the silk colour and quality. She nodded her head a bit, "Oh yeah! Yeah, I like it."

Jimin noticed how troubled she look from the past few minutes and it's only been him who has talked to the people so far. Well, she does talk to them every now and then but she would often space off. "Thank you for sparing your time with us. Have a lovely day!" The townsperson waved at them with a huge smile on their face.

"Jeongyeon? Do you want to sit down for a bit?" Jimin peeked at her face and she jumped a bit from her position. She thought about her plan for a while, she wasn't that much exhausted for the whole day cause she usually walks around town for several hours, meeting with her people. "I honestly don't want to sit down yet. But I guess I could show you a place where I usually hang out." She said, looking away from him. Jimin looked at her for a bit, somehwhat surprised that Jeongyeon wanted to spend more time with him as he starts to assume that she's getting bored with him.


Jeongyeon, Jimin, and several of their royal guards went to this place near the pond overlooking the castle from the distance. The trees were all frozen, looking like small blue crystals hanging from the branches. Jimin has never seen anything like it, it felt like he's inside a storybook that his mother used to tell him before going to bed,

"This pond right here." She pointed at the frozen pond right infront of them, "I use this as a skating rink. Me and my sisters would often hang out here back when I still had the time."

"Skating rink? Like actual ice skating? Wow. I've heard that once from my brothers and I would never thought of trying it today! You should have told me beforehand." Jimin pouted cutely while Jeongyeon laughed at his face.

"I'm sorry! I just wanted to surprise you that's all!" Jeongyeon replied in which Jimin's cheeks flushed in light pink. Even the royal hand maidens and guards were quite surprised from Jeongyeon's sudden actions lately. She was a quiet, reserved queen that she's been known of until she met the prince. They all feel very happy for her majesty as they notice how she's starting to get out of her own shell. "Shall we?"

Jimin didn't know it would be this difficult. They couldn't keep track on how many times he managed to fall on his butt everytime he moves a little bit. Jeongyeon even insisted to take a break but Jimin being Jimin, he wanted to try it again and again so he could master it right away. After 40 minutes of teaching him, Jeongyeon's hands slowly lifts away from him, letting him skate on his own.

"That's it! You're getting it!" Jeongyeon cheered for him as Jimin continues to skate on his own. The problem is, Jeongyeon wasn't able to teach him how to stop because they've been so focused on him balancing and the proper way to maneuver yourself from the ice that she forgot. "Look out!"

He went straight to the huge pile of snow in such a speed that Jeongyeon wasn't able to get him on time. The royal guards were about to run to their direction but then stopped by Jeongyeon's hand maidens. "Let her do it."

Jeongyeon ran straight to Jimin's side below the snow, digging him up basically before he could even suffocate from the cold. He was able to get his head out from the snow as his whole hair was messed up sticking in different directions which made Jeongyeon laugh, "Oh my god, are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?" She had to make sure that he doesn't have any dislocated bones or worse, a concussion.

Jimin on the other hand started to laugh from the failure he had just now, he continued to lay down on the snow for a bit. "Aish! I thought I had it!"

Their royal servants looked at them with such awe while they're having fun together doing ice skating and even playing a little bit around the snow, making sure that Jimin enjoys something that he doesn't have back at home. It took her a while to make sure that he wasn't hurt before she joins in with him with laughing and making snow angels with the prince underneath the bright, cloudy sky.

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