Chapter 3

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"Your Majesty, the florist is expecting your visit in 10 minutes

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"Your Majesty, the florist is expecting your visit in 10 minutes." One of the royal maids spoke through the door.

Jeongyeon was wearing a lovely white, light blue, and sparkly hanbok with her dark brown hair tied in a small french braided bun with different hair ornaments around. She placed her full bangs at the front, covering her whole forehead and tiny strands of hair on the sides for a touch. Lastly, her royal maids placed a white cloak with white fur on the collars, making her look extra regal. They also put some light makeup on her so she can look extra pretty while walking around the small town.

The royal guards and maids escorted her outside the palace, noticing that there's not much of a heavy snow today but only soft snow flurries. It's considered to be a wonderful day if that's the case, blizzards and endless winter storms are the usual and typical weather for the northern kingdom. Seeing all of the guards and maids surrounding her, she hopes that someday she could walk around more freely without any supervision needed.

There were tons of townspeople who greeted the queen and Jeongyeon wholeheartedly greeted back, asking them how they're doing and sometimes apologises for the delay of goods, yet the people accepts it as they love their precious queen so much. Even the small kids came to hug her, and she happily chatted with them before heading to their destination which is the town's famous flower shop. It's the one and only flower shop in town where imported, rare beautiful-looking flowers are being sold. Because of the cold all-year-round weather, they decided to create a flower shop with a greenhouse inside, they made sure the temperature and proper hydration are being met in order to keep the flowers alive and well.

"Moonbyul-ah!" Jeongyeon casually made her way to the shop, making the beautiful florist jump from her stance

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"Moonbyul-ah!" Jeongyeon casually made her way to the shop, making the beautiful florist jump from her stance. She took a seat by the nearest chair near the counter like she's an ordinary person. "You called me in for the flowers I ordered for this weekend?"

"Your majesty, you scared me..." Moonbyul giggled.

"Oh come on, drop the formalities!" Jeongyeon snorted which made Moonbyul roll her eyes playfully.

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