Chapter 2

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The bright coloured cherry blossoms danced through the soft breeze, making its petals fall on the pond nearby

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The bright coloured cherry blossoms danced through the soft breeze, making its petals fall on the pond nearby. There was a large estate by the distance where it is known to be the main house of the southern kingdom where the royal family are living. The family was known to be courageous, kind-hearted, and outstanding towards their work. It is currently being led by King Si-Hyuk and his loving wife Queen Uee, they had seven children in which all of them are boys. Si-Hyuk couldn't be more delighted as he got promising heirs after his reign.

The eldest named Seokjin, followed by Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook, the youngest. These princes may be the main reason of headaches of the maids who used to take care of them when they were little boys, but they're also their main source of happiness, even the townspeople loved them for being helpful, generous, and approachable. Not to mention they're also known for their gorgeous looks that swoons women off their feet.

Gathered by the dining hall, the seven young men went to their respective seats while their parents sat by the middle.

"Now, I received a message from the northern kingdom three days ago." Queen Uee brought a small paper with a blue and white snowflake seal.

"Oh wow, we haven't had any invitations nor trade partners for so long!" Taehyung, the sixth prince excitedly exclaimed.

"And we're talking about the northern kingdom where white thick snow falls ten months in a year!" Jungkook, the youngest prince, grinned showing his bunny teeth.

"How noisy early in the morning." Yoongi, the second prince sighed tiredly. He suddenly felt an arm placed heavily around his shoulders,

"Oh don't fret, hyung! We might have great news today, we should celebrate!" Hoseok, the fourth prince smiled brightly.

"Northern kingdom you say? I heard they are currently ruled by eight princesses and a majestic, powerful queen." Jin said with triumph, the boys looked at him with awe.

"What does it say, mother?" Namjoon, the third prince smiled.

Jimin, on the other hand is quiet, stiff and still by his seat while taking a bite of his food. He couldn't swallow it due to his anxiousness, he kind of know what this is going to be about.

Queen Uee smiled warmly at all of them, all of their attention turned to her. King Si-Hyuk looked at his wife before he continues his wife's words, "Long ago, we sent a trading proposal to the northern kingdom, but for some reason, they turned it down. Now, they finally sent us a reply— in exchange for the trading business, the queen must marry one member of the royal family." His eyes then ended on Jimin who's busy averting his father's gaze. "Jimin-ah?"

The boys began to cheer loudly, wooing while playfully punching Jimin on his shoulders. "Way to go, Chim! You're finally getting yourself a wife!" Hoseok slapped him by the back.

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