To my readers.

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Hey everyone! I'm writing this short page to inform you guys about me updating my books along with chapters. First things first, I love you all for reading my books and loving them so much. It truly makes me happy that you all feel that way towards my writing. I appreciate every last bit of your guys support/feedback. But honestly by telling me that I have to update and saying it in a rude manor isn't going to make me update any faster. I would like to say that as a writer (and many other writers out there) not every chapter comes easy. Especially coming up with a storyline that flows with the rest of the book. Ideas have to come to me before I start writting now because of how far I am into TWYLAM. I'm sorry that it's been a month or so but please give me time. Next is Falling for you wasn't planned, I haven't updated that story because I want to focus on ending TWYLAM. After this book I will start writting that one again. I know you may think it's frustrating that I take sooooooooo long to update but it's my thoughts and words that I need to write down at my own pace. (I'm a perfectionist when it comes to things like that) Please understand that I have a life as well too. Now that I am a junior almost a senior I'm trying to do well in school. Also to study for my ACT test that is in two weeks. I will be updating in a week or when my ACT testing is over. If you are truly my readers you will understand my reasoning for my big delays on my books. I hope you continue to look for my updates and read both of my books. Much love to my followers and reads. Thank you!

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