O'(Y/N), Agent-in-training

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Monday 7:30 a.m.

Your POV

"And that's it. Class is over. O'(Y/N)! I'll be seeing you after class."
I pointed at myself. Was he talking about me? He nodded in approval. I got nervous. Did I do something wrong? I've been acing all my classes with straight O's. Well, other than that one time I messed up BAD. We don't talk about that. Ever.
I've always wanted to be an agent for Odd Squad alongside my cousin, Oren. Yes, he can be very annoying most times but if you get on his good side, he's not bad.

Anyways, right after class ended I walked up to Instructor O and he motioned to follow him. After a few seconds, I got worried.

"Is this about that ONE time? Cause I dont think you can punish me for that."

"Its not about that." He turned to the break room.

"Well if it isnt about that then what else would it be about because I-"

I was interrupted by the shouts of my fellow agents-in-training saying,


I looked around. Red streamers and balloons covered the room.  "What?" I exclaimed. "What is this? What's going on?" I crossed my fingers behind my back, hoping that what I had in mind was right.

Instructor O smiled (i think he did. I dont know. I cant tell with his monotonous face) and replied, "You're gonna be Precinct 13579's newest agent." A cake in the shape of a folded suit came in and I squealed. Hard. Maybe too hard.

(Timeskip to after the glass is cleaned up and you're getting ready to be squishinated)

Instructor O and I were walking over to the tubes after i had put on my new suit and badge and after the shattered glasses were cleaned up.
"Sorry about that, Instructor O. I won't ever do it again."  I whispered. He rolled his eyes at me and said,

"Don't worry. I know it won't. At least the windows are odd-proof." I sighed. As I stepped into the tube, I felt my time at Odd Squad Academy flash before my eyes. I, O'(Y/N), one of thousands of trainees, am going to be a real life Odd Squad agent!

"Preparing to squishinate!"

I crossed my arms around my chest.


And just like that, I was off to Precinct 13579.

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