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Chapter 23

I finished all of the chores by 5:30. After Ms.Perez left, I took my shower, brushed my teeth, finish the dishes, fed Beans, vacuum the house, dust everything, cleaned the kitchen, take the trash out, clean the bathrooms, washed the clothes, and straighten Prince's room. I sat on the couch proud of my work.

Wow I still have hours until Ms.Perez returns. And who knows when Prince will be back. What am I gonna do until then? Beans barks at me.

"What is it boy?"

He runs away and returns with a leash.

"A walk?" He barks again. An idea pops into my head.

"Alright wait just a second."

I go into Princeton's room and rummage through my clothes. Finally, I find it. I've decided to go jogging while they're gone. It's not like I have anything else to do. I start changing in the room. My clothes slip to the floor and I put on the pink sports bra and matching shorts. Then I went to the bathroom and pull my curly hair into a ponytail.

I get a water from the fridge and attach the leash to Bean's collar.

"Ready?" He barks.

I grab my phone and earphones from the counter. The heat hits me when I open the door.

"Damn feels like the devil's back porch out here."

I start jogging, Bean's at my side keeping good pace. Music blasts into my ears. We come out of the neighborhood and to an intersection. I check the GPS on my phone and go right toward the beach.

My surroundings start changing from the Hispanic neighborhoods to the expensive L.A. homes. I stop to take a drink of water and look around. The sandy beach was in front of me. Cars honk loudly at each other, packed tightly in rush hour. Beans sits next to my feet quiet and calm. I rub his ear and say good boy.

When I'm done, I cross the street and start jogging on the sidewalk. The sky is filled with the beautiful colors of the sunset. Some joggers past by me and give me head nods. I roll my eyes at the one who winks at me. We make good progress down the coast. I look at all the buildings I past by. They are stunning with porches and glass towers. One of them had a poster of a man and women that were super buff. The title said L.A. GYM. Curious, I pick Beans up and walk in.

A blonde woman sat at the front desk. Fake dye, fake boobs, fake teeth, fake tan. I hate fake people. She smiles way too wide at me.

"Hello! Welcome to the best gym in L.A. We have Olympic size pools, gymnastics center, boxing, track, equipment, yoga rooms, and certified trainers!" She looks at Beans.

"Oh! We also provide special care for pets while you work out. How may I help you today?"

"Can I just look around?"

"Of course!" She looks down at my chest. "Ooo did you get work done?"

I know this bitch didn't just ask me....

I put on a forced smile. "Nope all real." I give my girls a pat.

"Wow I only wish."

"Uh huh."

I fast walk away from her.

The place was pretty nice. I peeked into all the rooms and ended up taking a gymnastics class for two hours. When it was over, I went to a nearby water fountain and took large gulps. A banging sound makes me jump. I look around. Oh I am in front of the boxing room. I peer in. A couple of guys were pumping iron, some were in a boxing ring. By the punching bags, there was only one person. His bare back was to me but his figure was familiar. As if he felt my presence, he turns around and looks at me straight in the eye. It's Roc Royal.

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