chapter twenty-four | 𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕

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"Minho!" you exclaimed and pulled the boy away from Ben. Ben's nose was bleeding and from what you could tell, it also was very likely that it was broken. But Ben didn't seem to care. "He's bad, he's bad, he's bad...." no other words left his mouth, his eyes were twitching around, but at the same time they seemed lifeless. Ben seemed to writhe in pain, but still tried to break free from the grip of the other Gladers. You wondered what was wrong with him, but if you'd been honest with yourself, you didn't even want to know.

"That Slinthead deserved it" said Minho through his teeth and if looks could kill, Ben would have been lying dead on the floor by now. A cluster of Gladers had started to form around you. Hank also arrived and looked puzzled between you, Minho and Ben, "What happened?" he asked in an untypical firm tone. "Ben attacked Y/n" Minho explained, "and Thomas" you added, your tears had dried by now and left a tight feeling on your cheeks. "No, he wouldn't." Hank stated and had a look of betrayal in his eyes. You knew that Ben and him always had been good friends, seeing him now in such a state must be heartbreaking.

Alby approached the blond boy and Ben wiggled even more "No. No, no, no, no, no" he said breathlessly and shook his head. Panic began to show in the runners face for the first time by now. Hank tensed up beside you as if he had already made a guess on what was wrong, he began to chew on his bottom lip and crossed his arms in front of your chest. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. "Lift his shirt" the leader of the Gladers demanded. "Lift his shirt" he repeated, revealing his impatience.

Gally lifted Ben's shirt and your eyes widened. "Shuck" Hank spat out and turned away from Ben, running his fingers through his brown locks. Minho put a hand on your shoulder and you covered your mouth. The Gladers holding Ben exchanged knowing looks. A huge sting was able to be seen on Ben's upper belly. Violet and blue veins spreaded from the point of the injection, he was visibly breathing heavily. Alby looked at Newt and it was clear to see that both of them knew what had to be done. "He's been stung" Gally stated the obvious.

Everyone seemed to hold their breath, everything seemed to wait for the next move of either Newt or Alby, you didn't want to be in either one's skin right now. Ben started to cry and shut his eyes "please" he pleaded, but everybody knew that he couldn't stay. Alby took a deep breath and looked around the boys "Bring him away" he commanded and pointed in the direction of the slammers. "No, stop" Ben cried out, seeing him fighting against the other Gladers was clearly heartbreaking and what was breaking your heart even more was the fact that you knew that he couldn't stay in the Glade.

You looked after the group of boys dragging Ben away, his cries and screams echoed through the Glade. You then looked at Thomas, who just watched the whole scene in disbelief, too stunned to speak. He also seemed to be unable to process everything that had just happened. "Y/n?" Minho asked and interrupted your thoughts, you turned your head to look at him. "Is everything okay?" he asked in a soothing voice and you nodded "I'm fine" you said in a quiet voice trying to convince Minho and partly yourself.

You looked at Thomas, who stared into a void "You should stop caring for others so much" Minho claimed after he noticed your worried eyes resting on Tommy and you now turned to look at Minho "Minho, he's my friend" you explained. "I know that and I'm not saying that you shouldn't care about him, but maybe prioritize your well-being for once" he said and grabbed your hand, holding it tight. "If something would have happened to you because of Ben..." Minho started

"If something would have happened, it wouldn't have been your fault Minho. There are things we can neither control nor prevent" you said and looked at your holding hands. Minho seemed like he wanted to say something, but before he could start Newt approached the two of you. "They're gonna banish Ben into the maze" he reported. Hank looked up like a puppy which had been yelled at for the first time. Thomas still wasn't able to catch a clear thought and you shook your head "Why would they do that?" you asked, sounding more aghast than you intended to.

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