chapter seventeen | 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒎𝒆

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𝑫𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒓: I somehow dedicated this chapter to the song "With me" as it was my inspiration for this chapter. So if you want to, you can listen to this song while reading :) I really hope you enjoy the read!


Dan and Minho entered the Glade at a jogging pace. Minho was kind of contrite to tell you that they once again found nothing new on their route through the maze. While Dan was already making his way towards the homestead to grab some dinner, Minho stood puzzled on the spot. He expected you to greet him like you'd always do, but to his surprise you were nowhere to be seen. If he would be fully honest, he had confessed to himself that he was disappointed to not see you greeting him. Since you welcoming him back to the Glade was his highlight of the day and compensation for the exhaustions in the maze.

After he took a deep breath, he decided it was no use to wait longer for you. Minho decided that it was for the best to just meet you at dinner or ask the other gladers where you were at. A bad feeling developed in his chest as it was so out of character for you to not meet him with open arms as soon as he would enter the Glade. Minho shook the thought off and walked to the map-room to think about potential routes for the next few days.

As he was walking towards the wooden building next to the deadheads, he noticed Leo running out of the forest into the direction of the homestead. As Leo came closer, Minho noticed a panicked expression on the face of the running boy. Leo held several herbs tight in his right fist and to Minho it was clear to see why Leo would never be a runner since red spots were forming on his face. Minho chuckled to himself and grabbed Leo by the sleeve of his shirt as soon as he was in reach.

"You know, when you breathe like that while running, you'll not make the next few meters without hyperventilating" Minho spoke while Leo looked into his eyes filled with panic and restlessness "T-Thanks, but- but there's no- no time" Leo responded out of breath while holding the herbs tight. "Whatever it is, I'm sure you're not helping with trembling through the Glade and calling it 'running'" Minho remarked and crossed his arms in front of his chest, he couldn't understand while the boy in front of him was so tense. Leo runned his fingers several times through his chestnut colored hair and shook his head.

"No, you don't- you don't understand" Leo managed to say, still out of breath. "Okay, okay, you need to calm down. What even is going on?" Minho questioned, slightly annoyed by Leo's nervous jumping from one foot to another. "Y/n-" Leo started, but Minho interrupted him "Y/n? What about Y/n? Is everything okay?", now Minho was the one panicking and he held Leo by his shoulders. "Leo, what about Y/n?!" Minho asked in a stern tone. "Y/n- she- she" Leo gulped and finally managed to speak properly: "Y/n fell from the watchtower."

Minho didn't waste any time and sprinted towards the homestead, while Leo hung behind, being not even half as fast as Minho. As Minho arrived at the Med-hut, he literally dashed through the entrance, but came to an abrupt halt as he saw you lying on one of the beds. You had your eyes closed and your breathing was slow, now and then you would make small noises, but none of them made any sense. While you laid there, you looked like you were in a deep, peaceful slumber and with the rays of light which fell through the ceiling dancing around your face, it was easy to mistake you for an angel.

Newt and Hank turned to Minho, while Clint cleaned some of the dirt on your cheeks with a wet cloth, nobody said a word. "What happened?" Minho asked nervously without looking away from you, "She fell from the watchtower" Hank said what Minho already knew. "and how did it happen?" Minho questioned further while approaching the bed to get a better view of your face. "The wood was rotten" Newt started, also not looking away from your face "I wasn't able to catch her" he said with his voice full of regret.

anemoia || a maze runner fanfiction (Newt x reader // Minho x reader)Where stories live. Discover now