chapter nine | 𝒄𝒉𝒖𝒄𝒌

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It's been a few days after you've saved Minho from a night in the Glade. After he stormed away he hadn't talked to you with a single word and ignored you. When you even got the chance to see him, he seemed to avoid you by practically running away as soon as you were in sight. Newt and Hank had also tried to talk to him: Minho doesn't ignore them and talks to them like nothing happened, but as soon as someone mentions your name, Minho's mood changes drastically and he gets frustrated or even angry, but it's not clear to see if he's mad at Hank and Newt or at himself.

Your heart ached every time when you saw Minho, you felt so powerless, because he just didn't listen to you. Minho had the control over the situation and was the one to solve the conflict. You just couldn't understand his strange behaviour, to be exact nobody could - You even thought about talking to Alby, but you weren't sure if he would be the right one to turn to. The only thing that was able to light your mood these days were your friends, especially Newt.

Newt had the ability to always make you smile and listened to you every time when you needed someone to share your thoughts with. You apologized at least a thousand times, because you always talked about the same things, but Newt assured you that he was happy, that he could help and be the one who listens to you. He was your ray of sunshine in the dark times and always made sure you didn't feel lonely or guilty for saving Minho. In every conversation he underlines that you were the bravest person in the Glade, by being the only one who decided to rather act than seeing a friend die.

Thanks to Newts reassurances, you were sure that you did not regret your actions! Even if Minho might hate you for the rest of your lifes, you at least gave him the possibility to do so. You were sure that if you hadn't ran into the maze and saved Minho, you would not be able to eat, speak, sleep or even breathe without guilt. Minho was your friend and whatever he might think of you, he always had a place in your heart.

Nevertheless you still wanted to find out why Minho acted with such anger and talk to him. But right now you sat at one of the picnic-tables in front of the homestead, while eating some scrambled eggs, the staple food of the Glade. "It's always these shucking scrambled eggs! I can't even bear to see them anymore" Hank ranted over his dish in front of him. He sat beside you, while Newt sat across from you, "I think you should be thankful that Frypan even cooks for us. If it weren't for him, we probably would eat raw veggies everyday" Leo said with his soft voice by taking place beside Newt.

"I just need something real to eat. Like a steak or a hamburger... I wish I remembered what they taste like, I only know that they're good" Hank said while getting lost in his thoughts. It was clear to see that he was really determined to find a way out, what might be the reason why he's a runner after all. He always dreams about finding out what's behind the tall walls of the maze and tells you about his plans and thing he'll do as soon as he gets out. His priority is to try a variety of food and travel the world, so he never feels trapped again.

While Leo explains to Hank that he needs to be more thankful, Newt observed you. As you were busy eating your lunch, you didn't even notice the intense stares of Newt. You didn't know that he was actually worried about you and wanted you to get the chance to talk to Minho. He hated to see you in such a clueless state about the whole situation. "Is everything alright, love?" he asked while still resting his gaze on you

 "Is everything alright, love?" he asked while still resting his gaze on you

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