Nathan&Jace bxm epilogue 3.0 🧸

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Jace is 25
Nathan is 20

Nathan's pov.

I felt horrible.
Miserable even.

Jace had went on a two week long trip to talk out a conflict between our and an another pack. He had left twelve days ago, which only means that two days is left. But these past days, I've never been this sad, miserable or even never wanting to leave the comfort of my bed. Jace was my home, and without him I felt alone. Like I do now.

I was nine months pregnant which only added to my pain. The large stomach was in the way, it was heavy and made me uncomfortable on certain situations. Like I couldn't get up from the bed without someone's help, or just seeing down at my feet.. and don't get me started with my swollen feet.

Today I woke to my babies kicking, it hurt. I felt like dying when it went on for a good ten minutes. But thankfully after I had eaten they calmed down. So my day didn't start well.

I had set myself a goal to do something every day, this way I wouldn't stay in bed. Like today was to shower, it wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but I wouldn't shower if it wasn't for the goal I had set for myself. And to be honest, it felt great to be under the warm water.

Other than that, my day was boring. Well I did cry for many hours in a row, missing Jace. The longest I've been away from him has been like a day.. and now he's been away twelve days..

It was almost midnight, and I was curled up inside the covers, crying. I wanted to see Jace, smell him, touch him. Without a second thought, I got down from the bed, Waddling inside the closet, pulling every single peace of clothing Jace owned. With few trips from the closet to the bed, I had placed the clothes on the bed in a huge pile. I crawl on the bed myself, forming a large circle of the clothes, also putting pillows and the covers around myself as I sat in the circle.

I let out a satisfied sigh, Inhaling the scent from Jace's hoodie. I curl in the middle, closing my eyes and cuddling the hoodie. In a blink of a eye, I had fallen asleep.

"Nathan?" I heard a familiar voice ring trough my ears over and over again, calling my name. I rub the sleep out of my eyes, looking around the somewhat bright room. My eyes stopped at a figure standing by the bed, watching me with a confused look on their face. It was Onyx, Jace's brother.

I unknowingly, scoot away from him, baring my teeth at the sight of him. "Are you okay? What's this?" He asked, pointing out to the clothes around me. I didn't utter a word, continuing my glaring. He must've gotten the point that I wasn't going to speak, so he gave me a gentle smile before exiting the bedroom.

It was still early, so I lay my head back down, once again hugging the hoodie close to my body, sniffing the scent in my system. I felt calm and relaxed. Soon enough my eyes closed and I fell asleep.

"Nathan, baby~~~" I stirr around, hearing the sweet voice of my mate in my head. It must be a dream. "Baby~" his voice once again rang in my head. I curiously open my eyes, meeting the gentle eyes of Jace. My body fastly jolted up, watching as Jace stood there. "You're back?!" I excitedly ask, hoping this wasn't a dream. "I'm back, my little mate~~" he kneeled next to me, cupping my cheeks with his large hands, pecking my lips, cheeks, nose and forehead. I close my eyes, humming comfortably.

"Did you do this for us?" I open my eyes, looking around as he pointed at the clothes. I nod shyly, feeling embarrassed that I had made a nest out of Jace's clothes. "It's beautiful my love~" he whispered, bringing me closer for another sweet kiss. I felt so giddy, loving the attention and love from him.

"Let's get some more sleep, hm?" I nod in agreement, laying myself in the nest. He smiled, laying right behind me, hugging me closely to his chest. He rubbed his hands over my stomach, nuzzling his face in my neck, pecking over the bite mark. I close my eyes, rubbing my fingers over his hands. "I love you~" I whisper. "I love you too, my little mate" he gently nibbled on the mark, earning a satisfied groan from me.

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