Nathan&Jace bxm epilogue 🧸

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Two years later.
Nathan is 19
Jace is 24

Today was a pretty normal day: I woke up around 9am to a yell from Jace as he was scolding the kids of the pack, I had a shower with him later and we had some fun ;). Then we just got dressed and ate. And now I'm downstairs sitting on the couch with few of the pack members and waiting for Jace to get back from his run.

It has been few hours since Jace and few others had went on that run. It was nearing to 1pm which meant it was time to get food ready. As the Alpha's mate aka Luna it was my job to take care of the pack, aka prepare dinner and etc. Usually the females of the pack helped me as well, just like today. We were making chicken soup today from chicken the pack hunted yesterday.

I was by the sink, washing the veggies and potatoes. I sniff the air as a comforting scent reached my nose. I smile fondly, knowing very well he had entered the kitchen. "Baby~" I coo, continuing my cooking. Quickly a pair of strong arms were wrapped around my waist, a face nuzzled in my neck, sniffing my scent.

"You smell so good~" he spoke against my neck, me giggling at his clingy self. "How was the run? Anything interesting?" He shook his head, tightening his grip. I squeal when feeling his cold hands sneak under my sweater.. well, technically his. "Watch it mister" I scold him, but of course not sounding serious enough to make him stop.

"But I missed you~~" of course he used his little charm. "I did too" I put the carrot down, turning around in his grip. A gasp left my mouth when I saw a large scar on his lip. "JACE MILLER!! WHERE THE HECK DID YOU GET THAT!?" he flinched at my yell. He touched his lip, slightly whincing. "Oh, hehe. I must have cut myself when we fought" I glare at him, hitting his chest.

"Idiot!!" I grab his hand, dragging him away from the kitchen. I push him down on the couch. "Stay" I said sternly, storming away to fetch the medkit. I came back with it, putting it on the couch next to him. I situated myself on his lap, his hands immediately falling on my waist.

I grab a cotton pad, taking some detergent on it. I dab the pad over his scar.. then it hit me... He will heal on his own. I'm so stupid! I slump down on his lap, hitting my head on his chest. "Ah, I'm so stupid!! I forgot you can heal yourself!" He chuckled, rubbing my sides. "You looked so cute when being so worried about me" he pecked my head. I raise my head, looking into his eyes. "Of course I am worried about you!" I slap his chest, he glared at me. I shove my tongue out, scrunching my face at him.

"I actually wouldn't mind having your tongue in my mouth, honey" I gasp, placing my hand over my chest. "Rude" he chuckled, pecking my nose.

"Aww, look at those two, they're so adorable" I look over the couch, seeing the elders of the pack. I smile awkwardly. "Let's head upstairs, I need some Nathan time to heal my scar" I roll my eyes at his words. The scar was already healed..

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